Chapter 12

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Days started to become longer and hours started to feel like days to Taehyung. He was slowly becoming used this his life in prison, but that also meant that things were starting to become boring, normal and just a part of a routine. It felt like he was at school once again. The first few weeks were exciting, everything was new and awesome to take in for the first time, but it would slowly become normal and just straight up boring. That's exactly how he felt about his life at the prison. Everything was new and he didn't know what to expect for the first few weeks. Every day was filled with new surprises and new things to learn about, but now that he had been staying here for more than a few weeks thing were getting boring and everyday was the same. Each day was filled with the same boring routine, the same damn clothes he had to fold, the same visitor on visiting night and the same person he would call on phone call night.

Tonight wasn't any different, Taehyung once again called his mother, standing next to Jungkook who would have a weird conversation filled with random words to one of his so called 'friends'.

"Yeah mom, they do feed me enough." Taehyung sighed in the phone. Even the phone calls with his mother were the same boring routine as always. She would always ask about his physical health and the fact if he got enough to eat. The answers were always the same; 'yeah they do, no need to worry.'

Taehyung's eyes travelled over to Jungkook, the brown haired boy was once again whisper shouting into the phone while mumbling out completely random words that had nothing to do with the conversation. Carnival, sailboat, fireworks, dog. It almost looked like the random words Jungkook used in his conversation were getting weirder by the day. Much to his dismay Jungkook had ended his phone call really quick this time and the blonde boy now only had his mother's voice to distract him from his boring prison life.

"Yeah mom, I know....How's dad?" Taehyung asked to change their usual topic and turn it in a different way for once.

"He's fine baby, still broken about your brother's death but he's gonna get over that pretty soon." His mother answered softly but with slight hesitance.

"D..Does he wanna talk to me?" Uncertainty laced Taehyung's voice. He knew his father wasn't happy about what happened and needed time to come around to speak to his other son. The son who killed his most praised and clearly favourite eldest son.

"He....please don't take this personal sweetie but he doesn't wanna talk to you." Taehyung's mother whispered with a soft crack in her voice. Tears started to well up in Taehyung's eyes. He knew his dad wasn't okay with the whole situation but he was still his son. He was still someone his dad should care about.

"P..please tell me dad still thinks I'm innocent." Taehyung stuttered out to his mother. The silence that followed his question told him enough, his dad thought that Taehyung had indeed killed his own brother. Tears started to flow down Taehyung's cheeks. There were only two persons that had claimed Taehyung innocent from the moment he had been arrested, his mother and his father. One of them still thought so, the other had finally given up on his youngest son's innocence and was now framing him for the death of his most promising eldest son.

A heavy sob left Taehyung's mouth. He already knew he was on his own, but now it was even more clear to him that he had really no one to rely on except from his mother. He didn't even know if she really believed he was innocent or that she only felt pity for him and kept in contact with him only for that reason. His father didn't even asked directly from him if he did indeed kill his brother, he just assumed Taehyung did and distanced himself from the blonde boy. Taehyung couldn't even explain himself, his father somehow found the evidence against him proving enough and fitting. He really taught that his own son was capable of murdering his own brother without second guessing it or asking Taehyung about it.

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