Chapter 30

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One thing was for sure; Taehyung didn't hear those two words wrong.

One moment he was trying to shoot targets in a basement with Yoongi and the next moment they were running towards the hospital wing. Jimin was a crying mess at this point, only able to stutter out random words like 'sorry, fault, me and dying.'

Yoongi on the other had gone completely mad, yelling out questions towards Jimin who wasn't able to answer him at all.

"HOW THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN!? YOU GUYS GO ON ONE MISSION WITHOUT ME AND THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS?!" Yoongi yelled while he kept running with the two youngers behind him. Taehyung's whole body started to feel numb the moment he realised Jimin's words were real and Jungkook had indeed been shot on their mission. A mission just for revenge,  a stupid and useless mission as Taehyung saw it.

While Yoongi learned Taehyung how to handle a gun the elder had explained to him where Jungkook and the others were and why they had left without them. Turned out that they all had been dying to put some other gang in their place. While Jungkook had been in prison the guys from the other gang had tried to steal stuff from within Jungkook's gang and to make a long story short Jungkook and the others had wanted revenge on them. Besides that Jungkook had been dying for some action again or as Yoongi liked to state it 'he needed to relieve some stress.' Yoongi had been the one who was left behind to keep an eye on Taehyung and learn him how to handle a gun, something he wasn't very fond of doing as Yoongi kept mentioning the whole time they were together. Yoongi had mentioned multiple times that he should have been with Jungkook instead of teaching Rapunzel how to shoot something he would never be able to master anyway.

Sure Taehyung didn't understand the basic gang rules but what he did understand was that this whole revenge plan had sounded useless and stupid and oh had he been right.

"FOR FUCKS SAKE, JIMIN ANSWER ME?!" Yoongi yelled again, but again without any response from Jimin.

All three of the boys kept running through the long silent halls, their footsteps and heavy breathing the only sounds to be heard. Taehyung saw how Yoongi turned the corner towards the hospital wing, a loud fuck sounding from the elder followed by the quickening of Yoongi's footsteps.

Panic started to raise in Taehyung's body and with great speed he also turned the corner, only to come to a halt immediately at the sight before him. Taehyung completely stopped breathing, his whole body became stiff, blood drained from his face and his mind became empty.

There he was, Jungkook. The boy who Taehyung had grown to care about, the boy who he had feelings for he didn't understand at all, the boy who saved him from the prison, the boy who he had been so scared of but he had grown to like so much. Jungkook hung between Hoseok and Namjoon, his arms on their shoulders and his body completely lifeless. Small puddles of blood lay on different places on the hallway floor and while Hoseok and Namjoon dragged the boy inside the hospital wing Jin kept screaming things at them. Things Taehyung didn't understand at all, not 'cause he didn't know the words but because his brain couldn't process them anymore. The whole scene before him felt like one big blurry nightmare. It didn't feel real, it couldn't be real. Jungkook couldn't leave him like this, right? Jungkook wouldn't do that to him.

Taehyung saw how Yoongi ran up to the two struggling boys who kept Jungkook up and started to help them drag the youngest inside the doors of the hospital wing. Jimin, who had been behind Taehyung all this time, had finally been able to close in on the now frozen Taehyung. Without giving it a second he grabbed Taehyung's wrist and dragged the blond boy down the hall towards the surgery room. Taehyung, who still wasn't able to process anything clearly,  stumbled behind a still crying Jimin. He couldn't lose Jungkook, Jungkook was all that he had left. More panic took over Taehyung's body and tears slowly started to form in his eyes. Jimin threw the doors to the surgery room open and immediately all eyes were on the two boys.

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