Chapter 54

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Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, the sunlight glowing lightly on his skin while a warm body was pressed against his chest. A small smile fell on his face at the sight before him. Jungkook was peacefully sleeping against him, no traces of the discomfort from last night left on the younger's face. Deciding that he would give Jungkook some more time to rest his mind and body Taehyung left their shared bed as silent and smooth as possible, only a few grunts off discomfort leaving Jungkook's mouth the moment Taehyung's body heat left him.

Within twenty minutes Taehyung had showered and dressed himself, shortly going downstairs to fetch some aspirins and a glass of water for Jungkook. Placing both of them on the little nightstand beside their bed the elder left the room again to go downstairs towards their kitchen. The elder quickly made his way inside the small room within their apartment, knowing cooking wasn't his strongest quality so already deciding that he would go for some simple toast with ham and cheese. With a few small movements through the kitchen Taehyung had made four pieces of toasted bread, all of them covered in a thin layer of ham and cheese. The elder put two pieces on a second plate, covering it with some plastic and placing it in the fridge so Jungkook could eat those later if he felt well enough.

A soft sigh left Taehyung's lips while he slowly started to eat his toast. He was glad Jungkook got some decent sleep but he was still worried for the younger. Last night wasn't anything like Taehyung had seen before, he had never seen Jungkook in such a state and he wished he could take away all the troubles from his lover. Seeing Jungkook in pain wasn't a sight Taehyung liked to see and he would do everything to prevent a future event like this one to happen.

Deep in thought about the younger Taehyung kept eating his toast, staring blankly ahead while he chewed on the small pieces. Jungkook probably wouldn't be awake for at least a few hours considering the amount of alcohol his system had to get rid off, leaving the blonde to entertain himself for the rest of the time.

At least that's what he thought.....

With a harsh ring Jungkook's phone woke Taehyung up from his thoughts, the small device still being with Taehyung after last night's events. The blonde instantly reached for the phone, seeing the words most annoying person in the world (Jin) flash on the screen and instantly bringing a small chuckle to Taehyung's throat. Why would Jungkook put Jin's name in his phone like that? The elder wasn't that annoying, was he?

Not knowing why Jin would call at such an early hour, but already knowing that it must be important Taehyung answered the phone while still chewing on his toast.

"Jungkook's phone this is Tae-....."

"TAEHYUNG, HOSPITAL WING, NOW!!" Jin's voice boomed through the phone, followed by the dial tone.

Not knowing what had just happened Taehyung removed the phone from his ear, staring at it for a few seconds trying to process the words Jin had just screamed at him. Why would he need him in the hospital wing at this hour?

Softly shaking his head to clear the confusion in it Taehyung swallowed his last piece of bread while hasty grabbing a piece of paper and a pen.

Jin needed me in the hospital wing, call him if you wake up.

Don't come down there yourself, you need to rest <3There's food in the fridge and there are aspirins for your headache.
Will be back as soon as possible, call Jin if you need anything and I will come back straight away,

I love you Kookie, XOXO Tae

Taehyung placed the small note beside the aspirins and the glass of water on Jungkook's nightstand, giving the younger a small peck against his forehead while whispering a soft I love you before he left the apartment on his way to the hospital wing.

Within a few minutes Taehyung entered the way too familiar doors, both of them as heavy as always. The blonde's smile instantly fell at the sight before him. He had expected a lot the moment Jin had called him, but this wasn't on his list at all.

Hoseok stood hysterically crying in the middle of the room, loud beeps surrounded the whole space and Jin rushed from left to right. The eldest of them all grabbing tool after tool to perform multiple checkups while Hoseok started crying harder and harder with every move the eldest made.

Taehyung took another step into the room, the doors falling closed behind him with a harsh bang and instantly grabbing the attention from both Jin and Hoseok.

"Thank god you're here. It's Taemin, his vitals are changing." Jin instantly spoke while he grabbed another tool from somewhere. Not giving Taehyung any further instructions Jin rushed back to Taemin, opening his eyes a little while shining a harsh light on them.

The blonde instantly walked over towards the two, passing a crying Hoseok on his way. "Is he okay?"

A soft smile fell on Jin's face while he repeated the same procedure on Taemin's other eye. "Yes, his body is fighting to wake up. I called you to calm Hoseok down, his crying isn't helping at all with my headache or with this situation." Jin put the tool away, placing his fingers on the bridge of his nose to release some of the tension in his head.

Taehyung shortly gave Taemin a quick look, the boy indeed got a lot more colour on his face. He looked peaceful, almost like someone who was just asleep.

Deciding that Jin was able to manage Taemin alone Taehyung instantly walked over towards Hoseok, wrapping the boy immediately up in his arms the moment he came into reach.
"Shhh, calm down. He's going to be alright."

Hoseok instantly shook his head, clearly not believing the words that had just left Taehyung's mouth. "N...N..No..."

The blonde slowly started to make his way backwards a little with the crying elder in his arms, bringing the both of them towards one of the empty beds and sitting down on one of them.

"Shhh, he is. He's trying to wake up. Jin's helping him. You have to breath for me Hoseok, you're going to pass out if you go on like this." Taehyung placed his hand under Hoseok's chin to make him look directly at him. "Follow me. In.......and......out....." The blonde instructed while he tried to let Hoseok follow, constantly repeating his words to make sure the elder calmed down a little.

Not much later Hoseok indeed calmed down a little, not fully but enough to make him think a little straighter and quiet him down enough for Taehyung to speak with the elder in a normal tone.

Hoseok's eyes crossed shortly with Taehyung's before they wandered back towards Taemin and Jin. "T..Thanks."

Taehyung rubbed Hoseok's shoulder a little, giving the elder an unnoticed smile. "It's okay, let's go see him okay? He needs you there when he wakes up."

Both boys stood up within a second, Taehyung only hoping that Taemin was okay and Jungkook was still asleep.



I've started a new Taekook fanfic, it's called One-Eighty. It would mean the world to me if you guys could check it out and show some love for it. Summary down below.

"Can't you be nice?""Are you trying to make me laugh Kim?"


In which Taehyung, a new and hardworking lawyer, gets the case of his lifetime but pretty quickly finds out why nobody else wanted to take the case of the countries most dangerous gangleader who has no desire to help Taehyung at all.

~Slow updates~

A/N 2

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