Chapter 70

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It had been three months since the day when Mr. Jeon had almost ruined multiple people their lives. Ever since that day the eight boys had become closer than ever before. Luckily Jimin and Yoongi had recovered well and were completely fine. The same goes for Taemin, the boy was fully recovered from the injuries he had gotten back when the team had rescued him. Even though Taehyung himself had never been someone who would have thought he would be able to kill someone somehow he had managed to fire the bullet at Mr. Jeon. Surprisingly to himself the blonde boy hadn't had trouble with that fact at all, he was fine with it. Hell, he for sure knew that he had done the right thing.

These three months a lot of things had changed. Jungkook had officially inherited the gang from his father and even though he had been running it for god knows how long he was now officially it's leader too. Due to all the heavy moments all boys had been through. Namjoon had decided he wanted Jin to be his forever. Ofcourse Jin had been his before but the boy had never felt much for the whole marriage thing. Now that they had almost lost three of their friends Namjoon had changed his mind and thus he had proposed to his black haired boyfriend. Ofcourse Jin was the happiest boy alive and said yes.

Jimin and Yoongi were going stronger than ever before. Both boys had been scared to death of losing each other that moment in the hospital. Luckily for everyone both were completely fine again and they even talked about getting a small dog together, as a little extra company.

Hoseok and Taemin were doing amazing as well. Both boys were always busy with their jobs but made sure to spend every evening they had together, going on dates and stuff. Hoseok had been super happy ever since he had been told that Taemin had made a full recovery and it was almost like happiness radiated off of him.

As for Jungkook and Taehyung, the two of them had never been happier. Taehyung spend almost all his days in the hospital wing together with Jin. Ever since Taehyung had successfully performed the surgery on Yoongi Jin had decided to make him an actual surgeon. By now Taehyung had done multiple surgeries on his own, with Jin as his assistant of course in case he needed help. Jungkook had been busier with work than ever. Since he didn't need approval from his father for everything anymore he could do whatever he wanted which was something the ravenette liked a lot. Their relationship was amazing too. Who would have thought that they would go from cellmates in prison to boyfriends?

Currently Jungkook and Taehyung were on their way to Jin and Namjoon's apartment since the oldest boy had invited everyone to come over for dinner. The blonde boy was proudly holding his boyfriend's hand while a happy smile was plastered on his face. His life had truly turned out to be amazing.

"Why are you so happy?" Jungkook asked, a smile visible on his own face as well. Taehyung slightly turned his head to look at his boyfriend's face while the smile on his face widened. "I'm just thankfull for everything that has happened in my life." The nurse answered his boyfriend before sending a wink his way. Softly the gang leader began to laugh before softly shaking his head. Taehyung had grown from the shy boy Jungkook had gotten to know back in prison to the caring and happy boy he loved so much and truth be told, he wouldn't change a thing about the blonde boy. Taehyung was perfect just the way he was.

Soon both lovers reached the apartment of Jin and Namjoon and immediately the blonde boy happily pressed the button on the right side of the door. Immediately a ring sounded through the room. Followed by someone screaming "Joonie honey, can you get it?" loud footsteps sounded through the hallway and it didn't take long for the door to open. "Come on in, we were all waiting for you two." Namjoon spoke as soon as he opened the door, already knowing it had to be Jungkook and Taehyung since those were the only two still missing.

Both boys politely thanked Namjoon for letting them in before walking through the front door of the apartment. Immediately a delicious smell hit their nostrils and Taehyung's eyes grew big. Jin was the best cook out of them all and it showed. The blonde didn't care that he had no idea what it was that the oldest boy was even cooking, it smelled absolutely delicious and the nurse couldn't wait to try some of it.

"TAE!" Jimin exclaimed as soon as he noticed the blonde boy coming in. Immediately the light grey haired boy jumped up from the chair he was sitting on and sprinted towards where Taehyung was standing. Immediately the two of them hugged each other and began to talk enthousiastically.

A small smile began to from onto Yoongi's face and he slowly shook his head. "Judging by their eagerness to see each other you wouldn't say we're their boyfriends huh." The grey haired boy spoke, loud enough for both best friends to hear it too. Jimin only reacted by sticking his tongue out to his boyfriend before focusing on the blonde boy again while Taehyung didn't react at all. Jungkook however softly began to laugh while walking over towards where Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok and Taemin were sitting and softly patted his best friend on the shoulder. "They're soulmates, what did you expect hmmh?"

"Dinner is ready!" Jin happily spoke as he put some delicious looking plates on the table. Immediately everyone stood up from where they were seated and walked over to the dinner table. Jin had absolutely outdone himself this time. His dishes looked like they came straight out of a magazine and Taehyung couldn't help but look at the dishes as if his life depended on it. This looked absolutely amazing.

As soon as everyone was seated around the table Jin told everyone what he had made and before Taehyung knew it he had a plate full of delicious food. Slowly the blonde looked around the table and a loving smile became visible on his face. He loved these people so damn much.

Ever since that damn judge had sentenced Taehyung to life in prison the blonde boy had thought that his life had officially been over. He had been convicted of the murder of his own brother, a boy he had always loved dearly. However somehow the nurse was also thankfull for being convicted. If the judge would have never send him to prison Taehyung would have never met Jungkook. He wouldn't have met met world's most stubborn person who had a habit of pissing off the guards back in the prison. He wouldn't have escaped together with the ravenette. He wouldn't have met anyone sitting on this table. Sure there were some things Taehyung would do differently in his life, but going to prison? He wouldn't want to miss it if that meant he would have never met these amazing people. Ever since Taehyung had met Jungkook his whole life had felt like a rollercoaster, but boy was it worth it. He had gotten a new family and a whole new life. These boys had showed Taehyung that family didn't always have to be related by blood.

Family is anyone who loves you unconditionally.



Only the epilogue is left. Man time flies when you're having fun right. I'm gonna miss this story so much but I'm super proud of how it turned out! Hopefully you guys enjoyed this journey as much as I did!

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