Chapter 20

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Jungkook held on a little longer than Taehyung did, he was able to fight the guys for a little while before he too got taken over by darkness after being hit against his head multiple times in a row. In the meanwhile complete chaos had erupted in the canteen but both boys never took any notice of it. Both of them were laying completely lifeless on the hard cold floor without anything to protect them with.

The next thing Taehyung could remember was a bright light that prevented him from opening his eyes and a massive headache. His whole body felt sore and he wasn't able to move at all. He could still remember the female voice of someone who spoke against him, but he couldn't make out the words. His headache had started to worsen and darkness had taken him over again that time.

The second thing Taehyung could remember was Jungkook's voice and a lot of ruffling in the background. He still couldn't open his eyes, but he could hear more clearly now. There had been a lot of movement in the room that time and he was pretty sure that he had heard Jungkook curse a few times before he blacked out again.

The third time Taehyung had been able to wake up he had been able to open his eyes for a short time. He was in a room he didn't know with people he had never seen before. Two women in long white coats had stood over him while they touched his neck and wrists. His headache had been a lot more bearable than the first two times and he was able to move his body a little. Again he had heard Jungkook's voice, but he hadn't been able to see the younger due to the two women that stood over him. Taehyung had felt how a soaring pain had shot through his arm, his eyes had darted to his hand seeing a needle in it and before he could react to it the boy had once again blacked out.

Taehyung clearly remembered the time after that last one. This time he had woken up while it was already dark. At first he had thought that he was alone in the room, but on further notice the boy had spotted Jungkook in the bed that was next to his own. Jungkook had provided him a small smile and after failing to use his voice Jungkook had brought him a small cup filled with water. That time Jungkook had told him that they had been brought to the hospital ward after their fight and that they had been there for almost five days now. Jungkook's friend Jin had been called to inform him about the fact that Jungkook had been placed in the hospital ward and so was Taehyung's mother. Jungkook himself had already been awake for four days at that moment and they were going to release him soon. Jungkook had told him that both of them didn't have any bad injuries apart from some bruises and a light concussion. They had kept Taehyung asleep with medicines so he could wake up without any pain and that's why kept blacking out. The one thing Taehyung did notice from that particular time was the fact that Jungkook had seem really tense and nervous the whole time. His hands had shaken when he gave Taehyung the cup filled with water and his voice was slightly higher than normal. The boy had looked like he was on edge the whole time, but when Taehyung had asked about it he had told the blonde that there was nothing wrong. This time Taehyung didn't black out, but he did fall asleep due to exhaustion. Leaving Jungkook once again all by himself in the ward.

Not much later Taehyung had woken up once again. This time was different than all the other times though. He hadn't woken up 'cause his body wanted to, he had woken up 'cause hard sounds sounded through the room disturbing his sleep.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes. It was still dark outside and complete silence had once again fallen over the ward. Taehyung's eyes wandered through the room finding nothing special that could have woken him up. At least, that was his first thought. More sounds sounded through the room and Taehyung immediately turned his head towards the way the sounds came from. Taehyung's eyes widened at the sight in front of him and he immediately darted up right in his bed. Jungkook had moved one of the beds to a corner of the room and the younger stood upon it while he was trying to rip a part of an air shaft loose with his bare hands.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung immediately whispered harshly at the younger while he started to get out of his bed. Jungkook whipped his head back in an instant and his eyes locked shortly with Taehyung's before he got back to work again with a small smirk on his face. "I'm getting the hell out of here."

Taehyung's eyes widened at that statement and he walked over to Jungkook, grabbing his pants, tugging on them to get Jungkook's attention back. "Kook, what do you think you're doing. You can't just break things and expect to get away with it." Taehyung whispered harshly while he tried to get Jungkook down by pulling on his pants.

"They won't punish me if they can't find me you idiot. I'll be long gone before they notice this. Now let go and let me get back to work!" Jungkook whisper shouted at Taehyung while he started to pull at the shaft again. Fear took over Taehyung's body. Was Jungkook going to leave him? Were they going to get caught? Should he stop Jungkook? Taehyung's whole mind was getting filled with bad thoughts, making his breathing quicken while his hands became clammy. He couldn't stay here alone, the other inmates would get a hold of him and he didn't even want to think about what was going to happen to him. Jungkook wasn't planning on leaving him here, right?

Tears started to form in Taehyung's eyes and he slowly walked back to his bed, sitting down on it with his head hung low and his mouth in a small pouth. He heard how Jungkook kept trying to break the shaft and after a few minutes a loud crash filled the room. Taehyung looked up shortly to see that Jungkook had finally been able to break the shaft and a huge gaping hole was now visible on the ceiling. This was it, Jungkook would leave him and he would stay here all by himself. Tears dripped from Taehyung's eyes on his lap and soft sobs left his mouth.

Jungkook shortly looked over at Taehyung. The elder was sitting on his bed, his back softly shocking and sniffles left his mouth. An unsettling feeling fell over Jungkook at the sight and a soft sigh left his mouth. He had to do this, he needed to leave now or his whole plan was going to waste. Seokjin and the others would be outside first thing in the morning and there wouldn't be a second chance. Jungkook had made the deal with Seokjin that on the sixth morning after Seokjin received the call that Jungkook had been transferred to the hospital ward they would be standing outside, not a minute later or earlier. Everything had been planned from A to Z, everything except for Taehyung getting involved. Sure Jungkook wasn't planning on leaving him completely but he wasn't planning on taking him with him either. The first problem right now was that Taehyung was aware of everything that's happening right now while he was supposed to know nothing, if Taehyung would tell the guards what had happened in the room Jungkook would be a dead man before he would even reach the outside of the prison. Second problem was that Taehyung was a crying mess right now and that it messed with Jungkook's feelings. He didn't feel comfortable leaving the elder here and practically feed him to the wolves that were their other inmates. Taehyung had become special to him and he didn't wanna lose that one person that had become so precious to him. With a heavy sigh Jungkook jumped down from the bed and walked over to Taehyung, grabbing the elder by his wrist and dragging him towards the bed that was beneath the shaft.

"Stay here and wait." Jungkook ordered Taehyung while he jumped up to grab the shaft and hoist himself into it. The younger placed himself on his belly, putting one of his arms and his head out the shaft. Jungkook reached his hand out towards Taehyung, waiting for the elder to grab it and follow him.

"W...What are you d...doing?" Taehyung mumbled between his sobs, giving Jungkook a questioning look.

A small smile fell on Jungkook's lips at the sight of the boy down below. "You coming with me Tae?"

Taehyung could only dry his tears, grab Jungkook's hand and follow the younger to wherever he would lead them.

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