Chapter 4

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Taehyung's morning was hell once again. Jungkook got beaten up for disobeying the rules, they did their exercise routine followed by the showering routine. Again Taehyung got touched by hands once he closed his eyes and the comments never stopped. Breakfast was a disaster and for the second morning in a row he didn't eat any of it. He just couldn't bring himself to it. It didn't matter that he was hungry and felt like he really needed to eat something, he refused to put the brown vomiting stuff inside his mouth. He was pretty sure he would throw it back up if he eat it so he spared himself the trouble.

After breakfast the blonde haired boy was instructed to follow a group of inmates that were apparently in the same work group as himself. Of course the god of bad luck was on his side and before he could register it properly he stood on a counter with Jungkook. Both of them were in charge of folding the clothes that came out of the drier. It was a pretty easy task and Taehyung was happy he could do something that felt at least a little like home to him. Of course he wasn't happy that he had to do it with his scary cellmate, but it was better than doing nothing. With his new task at least the time went by a little faster. There weren't any comments that were thrown at him at this place and nobody tried to touch him. Everybody was busy with their job and Taehyung was invisible here. He liked that he wasn't the centre of attention and that he could just do something to make himself useful.

With great precision Taehyung folded the clothes and everything else that came out of the drier. Pants, shirts, sheets, underwear, socks. It didn't matter to him as long he could keep himself busy and didn't have to think about everything that happened and was still happening. He looked over at Jungkook and saw that the other boy hadn't folded more than three pieces of clothing while Taehyung was already through two whole baskets of laundry. Taehyung looked around himself already guessing what would happen if the other boy didn't start with his task anytime soon. He could already feel how his heartbeat started to increase in speed and an anxious feeling started to spread through his body.

If Jungkook didn't do his job he would probably get another beating and another beating meant that there would be commotion around Taehyung. Commotion meant attention and the last thing Taehyung wanted was attention anywhere near him. He wanted to be invisible and the brown haired boy was making that impossible for him. There wasn't anything he could do about it though. He could never face the other male, he was scared to the bone of him. He didn't even dare to look at the other boy if there was any chance that Jungkook could detect him doing it. The only time he dared to look at the boy was if his back was turned to him.

Taehyung saw how one of the officers started to make his way in their direction. With his head down and his hands busy folding the laundry Taehyung tried to ignore the officer.

"Jeon! Is there something wrong with your hands? Why aren't you doing your job?!" The officer scolded angry at Jungkook and he walked behind the counter. Taehyung didn't dare to look at the two men next to him but the dull sounds of someone being hit told him enough. Jungkook never answered the officer and he guessed that that was one of the reasons the officer had gone off at Jungkook. He heard the five hits Jungkook got, all of them getting harder than the previous one. He swore he even heard a low grunt leaving Jungkook's mouth at the fifth hit. He couldn't imagine that the brown haired boy was still able to collect all the hits. He was getting beaten up at least three times a day, his whole body must be sore and blue from all the hits but still Jungkook didn't show any weakness if another round of hits started once again.

"This is you last warning Jeon, if I come back I expect that all of your baskets are empty and folded. If not.....well you will find out what happens if it's not done." The officer evilly laughed and walked away. Taehyung glimpsed at the male next to him, shocked by his appearance. For five short seconds it looked like Jungkook showed some weakness. He was hunched over the counter and his breathing was heavy. His eyes were closed and after two deep breaths he composed himself completely. Taehyung immediately looked back in front of him to prevent himself from being caught staring and possibly ending op death.

Taehyung folded his last laundry basket in a precise and way too neatly way. He was sure he did it way too perfect for prison standards but he didn't care. He hated it when people did their job not right and even in prison he would make sure that if he did something he did it good. Taehyung gave Jungkook another glimpse and he saw that brown haired boy still wasn't much further with his baskets than before. There was something different about him this time though. Last time Jungkook hadn't folded any because he decided not to do so. This time Jungkook looked like he couldn't do so. The boy was clearly holding himself up with one hand and his other was slowly folding the laundry from the basket next to him. A wave of compassion flooded Taehyung's mind and without thinking about his action he grabbed one of Jungkook's baskets and started to fold the laundry that was in it.

Taehyung wasn't a bad person and it was clear that the other needed help right now. The good and perfect boy Taehyung was clearly hadn't much of a choice than to offer that help, even if it was to someone who might end up killing him. Taehyung saw how Jungkook looked at him for a short moment but both boys said nothing about it. Taehyung because he was still too afraid to talk to the other and Jungkook because he simply didn't wanna talk to the other.

Both of them kept folding the laundry in silence and it wasn't long before Taehyung grabbed another one of Jungkook's baskets and started to fold the laundry that was in there too. He slided some of his piles with folded laundry to Jungkook's side of the counter so it would look like the brown haired male had folded them instead of himself. He didn't want another round of commotion around the both of them and he was pretty sure Jungkook couldn't face another round. The brown haired male was already struggling to hold himself up and occasionally a soft grunt would leave his mouth if he made a wrong move.

Almost ten minutes later all baskets were empty and all the folded laundry piles were evenly divided between the two boys. Taehyung almost smiled at the sight but he suddenly remember where he was and with who he was, keeping him from it. He was in no position to smile, his life was still over and he was still inside this hell of a prison with a cell mate that could kill him at any moment. Taehyung saw movement in his right eye and the same officer as before walked up to them.

"I see that you decided to be smart for once Jeon? I suggest you keep this up!" The man blurred at Jungkook, earning him a scowl from the brown haired boy. He didn't say anything back though and Taehyung was glad he didn't. He hadn't done all this work to be part of another commotion again.

"One of you put these on the shelfs over there and the other can stand watch over the guys who control the washing machines." The officer said while he pointed from the piles of laundry to the shelfs and the guys at the washing machines. Taehyung didn't say anything to Jungkook but he started to put the piles on the shelfs, knowing that the other couldn't do the job at the moment. He heard a soft sigh leave the others mouth while he slowly walked over to the washing machines and slouched against the counter over there.

Taehyung could only hope that his good deed didn't go unnoticed by his cellmate and it would give him some more time before Jungkook ended up killing him. He could only hope that the other would see that Taehyung was a friendly person and that there was no reason to kill him.

Taehyung carried out his job and almost an hour later they all were released from their jobs for their lunch break. With their heads down and their hands in front of them they were being escorted back to the canteen once again. Taehyung could only hope that lunch was somewhat bearable like yesterday. It was the only meal he could eat at the moment and judging by how his body felt at the moment he needed it pretty bad.

He could only hope that the angels were for once on his side this lunch break.

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