Chapter 39

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"Tae, come on! We're gonna be late."

Taehyung turned another corner, following Jungkook who had shouted for the third time that morning that they were probably gonna be late to some meeting he had to attend. Taehyung had no idea why Jungkook wanted him there but what he did understand was that Jungkook didn't leave his side once since their small kiss a few days back, hence why the younger had probably dragged Taehyung to this meeting of him. On one hand Taehyung was happy that Jungkook had taken him with him, but on the other hand it also meant coming face to face with the other five boys. None of them had seen the state Taehyung was in, now supporting a big blueish black bruise on the right side of his nose. Jungkook had made sure to keep both Taehyung and himself locked up in their apartment, handling his business from behind his laptop or through his phone. He kept an eye on Taehyung the whole time while he did everything he could to make the elder happy. It had been clear to Taehyung that the whole ordeal with Yoongi had made a huge impact on the younger and that Jungkook blamed himself for the bruise on Taehyung's face, hence why he kept Taehyung behind closed doors while doing basically everything in his power to please the elder. To Taehyung this was Jungkook's way of saying sorry for everything that has happened, even though Taehyung felt like there wasn't anything to say sorry for.

"Tae!" Jungkook yelled again, grabbing the elder by his wrist while dragging him along through the long white halls of the building. Eventually Jungkook stopped infront of a door Taehyung had never been through before. The younger opened the door and walked inside, Taehyung still behind him. Taehyung's eyes immediately fell on the scene before him. All five boys were seated around a big round table, some sort of map in the middle, multiple pictures of buildings and people on the wall across from Taehyung and some kind of powerpoint presentation on a big screen on the wall to Taehyung's left.

While Taehyung's eyes were drawn to the scene before him the eyes of the other five boys were drawn to Taehyung's face. Seeing Jungkook beaten up wasn't a surprise to them, they had seen it multiple times already and after seeing Yoongi all beaten up they quickly came to their own conclusions. But to see Taehyung supporting a huge bruise on his face was a whole different story though.

Taehyung's eyes wandered through the room for a few more seconds before he noticed the attention that was on him. Taehyung's eyes wandered over the boys, not really knowing how to react to all the unwanted attention. Yoongi almost instantly looked down once Taehyung's eyes crossed with Yoongi's. The action was instantly followed by Jimin who was clearly ashamed by the damage his boyfriend had caused. Namjoon on the other hand had one of his eyebrows up a questioning way, his eyes almost instantly shifting to Jungkook for an explanation.

Taehyung's eyes travelled to the last two boys on the table, both of them with their mouth open in shock and their eyes as big as saucers. They clearly hadn't expected this when Jungkook told them Taehyung would attend the meeting too. Taehyung turned his head towards Jungkook, immediately seeing the clenched jaw and the bald fists. With a soft sigh Taehyung turned back around, already guessing to whom Jungkook's anger was angled. With a soft nudge Taehyung freed himself of Jungkook's grasp on his wrist and he made his way over to the table, taking a seat between Hoseok and Jin.

The eldest of them all instantly looking over at Taehyung in a questioning way. "What happened to your face?"

"It's not-" Taehyung tried to answer but before he could finish his sentence Jungkook had already taken over.

"Yeah, Yoongi....what happened to his face?" The youngest of them all spat while he slowly walked over towards the table, his eyes filled with anger and the knuckles of his hand turning an icy white.

Taehyung tried to calm the situation by calling out Jungkook's name but as expected the younger didn't react to it, clearly waiting for a reaction from Yoongi.

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