Chapter 6

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Visiting hour was in ten minutes and all the inmates that were expecting a visitor were allowed to go to the visiting room to wait there for their relative. Taehyung was really glad when his name was announced on the list, at least there was someone coming to visit him tonight. He could only hope it would be his mother, if there was one person on the planet he wanted to see right now it would be her.

After the regular routine of standing in front of their cells with their heads down and their hands in front of them the whole group was led to the visiting room. Taehyung being one of the first ones to enter sat down in his assigned seat, his heart beating fast in his chest and anxiety flowing in his veins. He really hoped his mother would come to see him but he was also scared, what if his mother had started to believe everything that had happened and was here to abandon him for ever. He was already feeling pretty alone now that he was in this hell hole he had to call home but if his mother would abandon him too that would be the end of him. If there was one thing he couldn't handle it would be that. Two really long minutes had passed when the door finally opened again, revealing not the person Taehyung hoped would walk through it but one of the guards.

"Listen you guys! Rules are pretty simple! You keep seated in your seat, no touching, keep the volume low and when I tell you it's over you all stand up and walk back to your cells right away without touching your visitor. AM I CLEAR!?" The guard yelled at the group of inmates that were in the room. The room kept silent and with an approving nod the guard left the room again.

Another two long minutes passed by and when the door opened again visitors slowly walked inside the room. Taehyung couldn't be more happier when he saw his mother walking through the door right behind a small young man with light grey hair. Tears immediately started to form in his and his mother's eyes and with a few quick passes his mother was in front of their table, both of them not being able to say anything except for the soft sobs that left their mouths. She slowly sat down on the chair across from Taehyung, forcing herself to not reach out to her now only son and wrap him up in her arms. The young blonde boy had always been her little baby boy and seeing him now in such a terrible state broke her heart in a million pieces.

"Mom....I....I..." Taehyung softly sobbed while he looked at her with tear streaked eyes and cheeks.

"I...It's okay baby, mommy is here now. Everything's gonna be okay." His mother sobbed back, clearly trying to convince herself as hard of her own words as she tried to convince her son.

"I..I' sorry." Taehyung sobbed again while he furiously tried to wipe the tears away from his face. He hated that he couldn't touch his mother, he would do anything to get a hug from her right now. His mother's hugs had always brought a form of comfort to him and to know that he would never feel them again broke him in a million pieces. It would from now on always be how they were now, separated by a table or by huge prison walls and bars.

"It's okay Taehyungie, don't cry for mommy please. Please show me your beautiful smile again." Taehyung's mother pleaded with him, while she tried to compose herself as well. After a full minute Taehyung finally managed to calm himself down and show his mother his beautiful smile again at her request.

"Did you put the flowers at Jaejin's grave for me? The blue ones he liked so much?" Taehyung suddenly asked his mother. The fact that he was sentenced to a life in prison for killing his brother didn't mean that he didn't care about him anymore.

"Of course I did honey, I'm sure your brother would have liked them if he could have seen them in person." His mother says lovingly to him while she gave him a soft smile.

Their conversation carried on for a while and Taehyung was glad there was finally someone in here who he trusted completely. Finally a familiar face that was just here for him, someone that loved him unconditionally despite what he was here for. His eyes wander shortly through the room, growing big once they fall on the mop of dark brown hair two tables diagonally from him. He could see the back of Jungkook's head and the face of his visitor, both of them too engaged in their own conversation to notice Taehyung's eyes on them. Both of them looked like they were having a really serious conversation and by the looks of it both were not happy with what they were discussing.

Taehyung could see Jungkook's shoulders tense up multiple times and his visitor didn't look too happy either. The grey haired man's eyes looked like they were gonna shoot fire at any moment and the fact that he pressed his lips multiple times harsh together to keep himself from lashing out didn't help anymore to keep him from looking like someone that was gonna explode at any moment. Taehyung had no idea what the two were discussing but both of them clearly weren't happy with it and that alone fuelled Taehyung's curious nature.

"5 MORE MINUTES!" The guard from earlier yelled through the room and at the same moment Taehyung saw how Jungkook's visitor slipped something under the table to Jungkook. Jungkook grabbed it almost invisibly and put it away in his pants, both of them acted like nothing happened and not a moment later Jungkook's visitor stood up and left the room. Jungkook now on his own started to look through the room and Taehyung immediately snapped his head back to his mother. To say their goodbye was hard was an understatement, both Taehyung and his mother cried their eyes out and his mother had been the last to walk out of the room, telling her son about a million times that he should eat properly and that everything would be alright.

"Everybody back in line! Hands in front of you and your head down!" The guard yelled at them again and within a minute everybody except from Jungkook did as they were told. Jungkook was once again right behind Taehyung and Taehyung already hated the fact that he would be in the middle of the comotion once again.

"Your mom looks pretty Cinderella, you both got the same crying face." Jungkook laughs softly at Taehyung while he gives him a soft push forward. Taehyung completely ignored the comment, knowing fully well that if he would react and the guard saw it he would get a beating as well and if there was one thing he didn't want it was getting beaten up. Of course Jungkook got scolded once again for his disobedience and after a few hits all of them were sent back to their cells to stay there for the night.

Taehyung really didn't understand why Jungkook always seemed like he was looking for reasons to get beaten up by the guards. The tasks were all pretty easy and Jungkook could complete them without any problem, but he always chose not to and get beaten up over it. Taehyung really didn't understand why he would want to get beatings for fun but he decided not to ask his cellmate about it. It wasn't his business and he didn't wanna be part of it either. Once they arrived at their cells taehyung had gone straight to bed and had fallen pretty quickly asleep. This time without crying and without pissing off his cellmate. The visit from his mother had done him good so he had no reason to cry right now and also the fact that he was sure that there probably weren't any tears left inside his body after their emotional meeting. Of course he missed her already, but he knew that she still loved him and that she didn't held a grudge against him for the killing of Jaejin.

His brother that he loved dearly but was now nothing more than a lifeless body in the earth.

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