Chapter 35

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Pain, sore muscles and a nauseous feeling in his stomach were the three things Taehyung felt when he woke up the next morning. A soft grunt left the blonde's mouth while he slowly tried to turn around in bed. His whole body felt heavy and his head felt like it had been hit by a wall. Never in a million years had Taehyung expected to find himself in such a situation again. Of course he had had multiple hangovers in his younger years, but ever since he had started his training to become a nurse Taehyung had stopped going to parties completely. Yesterday had been a huge mistake when it comes to his drinking habits, Taehyung had believed that he was able to handle a few drinks but oh was he wrong. The aching pain in his head and the nauseous feeling in his stomach reminding him every few seconds.

Taehyung slowly turned his head to the side, avoiding any sudden movements to not trigger the nausea anymore than it already was. No matter how bad the blonde felt, puking wasn't on his list of activities for today and he would do anything to prevent it. A sigh of relief left Taehyung's body once his eyes fell on the painkillers and the glass of water that stood on his nightstand. Right at this moment he couldn't ask for anything more, just the thought of relieving his body from the pain it was currently in made the boy somewhat happy. With some difficulty Taehyung slowly sat up in bed, grabbing the painkillers and swallowing them with some water while his eyes fell on a little note laying beside them. He placed the glass back on the table and grabbed the note, bringing it in front of his face.

Meet me downstairs when you feel better :)


A small smile spreaded itself on Taehyung's face while he placed the note down on the table and slowly lied back down again. A soft sigh left the boy's mouth and he closed his eyes to get some more sleep and sleep off his hangover.

Three hours later Taehyung woke up, feeling a lot better than before. He still felt the leftovers from the hangover but at this point they were bearable and didn't prevent him from getting out of bed. Within twenty minutes Taehyung had taken a shower to relax his muscles some more and remove the smell of alcohol from his body, getting dressed right after and walking downstairs to meet Jungkook.

After a small search he found the younger on the kitchen table. Laptop in front of him and reading glasses on his nose. Taehyung grabbed a cup of coffee from the counter and took a seat in front of the younger, greeting him good morning in the meantime. Jungkook looked up with a soft smile at the elder before him, greeting him good morning too before his eyes switched back to the laptop. Taehyung's eyes slowly drifted over the younger's face, getting fascinated by the glasses on Jungkook's nose. He had never seen the younger with glasses on but the sight intrigued him. Jungkook looked smart and cute at the same time, being all focussed on his laptop fixing his glasses every now and then.

A soft sigh left Taehyung's mouth. "You look cute with glasses."

Jungkook looked at the elder, one of his eyebrows raised and a smirk on his face. "You think so? I personally hate them but thank you, I guess."

Taehyung's eyes immediately widened, his hand freezing mid air 'causing him to spill some coffee out of his cup on the table before him. His cheeks turned cherry red while his eyes suddenly started to get very interested in the coffee stain before him. "I..I didn't mean to say that out loud."

A soft chuckle left Jungkook's mouth while he stood up to get some paper to clean up the mess Taehyung had caused. The blonde followed Jungkook with his eyes, his cheeks only getting redder by the second.

Embarrassment flooded Taehyung's whole body and before Jungkook could turn around with the paper Taehyung had stood up from the table and darted out of the apartment while screaming he needed Jimin for something.

With his heart in his throat and his hands clammy Taehyung made his way to Jimin's apartment. Apart from the bubbly boy he had no idea where to go to so Jimin was his first choice when he needed some help. Jimin and him had grown close over the last few weeks and he was sure he could consider the small boy as his friends by now and in Taehyung's opinion you would turn to your friends when you had a problem.

Taehyung turned another corner, seeing the door to Jimin's apartment already before him. With a few more strikes he stood in front of it and he immediately knocked on the door to get the smaller boy's attention. It didn't take long for the door to open, only to reveal Yoongi and not Jimin.

Taehyung opened his mouth to ask where his friend was but before he could form any words Yoongi had already answered him while he stepped out of the apartment. "Jimin's in the living room with Hoseok, tell him I'm off to speak to Kook." Yoongi walked away, leaving a speechless Taehyung behind. He took a few seconds to compose himself before he walked further into the cozy home.

Taehyung manoeuvred himself through the other's apartment, finding his way to the livingroom and coming face to face with Jimin and Hoseok. With a heavy sigh he walked over to the two, dropping himself down on the couch between them. Taehyung immediately put his head in hands while he screamed softly in them. "I made a huge mistake."

Jimin and Hoseok's eyebrows furrowed, not getting what Taehyung was talking about. Jimin softly placed his hand on Taehyung's back, stroking it softly in an attempt to calm the younger down. "What mistake, Tae?"

Another sigh left Taehyung's mouth, getting his head out of his hands and looking away in the distance. "I've called Kookie cute." Taehyung whispered almost inaudible.

Jimin and Hoseok gave each other a short look before a small smirk started to form on Jimin's face. "You owe me twenty bucks, Hobi."

a soft 'fuck' could be heard from the eldest of the three, getting the attention from Taehyung. "What? Why would you own him twenty bucks?"

Hoseok looked away from Taehyung while Jimin started to chuckle softly. "We made a bet about you and Jungkook. Hobi guessed you wouldn't realise your feelings for the our Kookie until next year and I guessed you would." Jimin's smirk only grew bigger at his statement. "Guess I was right so Hoseokie owes me twenty bucks."

Taehyung's face got as red as a tomato, putting his head back in his hands to avoid anymore embarrassment. "I don't like him."

Jimin gave Taehyung a soft push against his shoulder, laughing softly. "Yeah right, and Yoongi isn't my boyfriend." Sarcasm dripping from the elder's voice. Taehyung turned ever redder, his mind going all places. He had hoped to find some peace at Jimin's place but he got even more embarrassed than when he was with Jungkook.

"Tae, listen. Why did you call Kook cute?" Hoseok suddenly asked, pulling Taehyung back up to look him in the eyes.

Taehyung's eyes darted from one boy to another, another sigh leaving his mouth. "I...I don't know. He just looked cute. He never wears glasses and they just fitted him so good. I just liked the look a lot."

Taehyung slowly started to smile while he talked about Jungkook's outfit from this morning. "He just looked really good in them and when he started to smile he looked even better. His smile is so pretty and it makes me feel all warm and soft inside whenever he smiles."

A knowing smirk started to form on Jimin's and Hoseok's faces while Taehyung kept rambling about Jungkook. "He even left some painkillers and water on my nightstand this morning, he's always so caring and he makes me feel really good. Oh and his eyes, his eyes are so pretty. Way prettier than mine, I would do anything to capture those eyes every day.......he's just perfect, you know."

Taehyung stared with dreamy eyes at the boys next to him, huge grins on their faces that made him all confused. "What?"

Jimin laughed right at Taehyung's face, not getting how the younger could be so clueless. "Do you even hear yourself? You're drooling over our Kookie like he is some kind of meal."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows before his eyes suddenly got really big, he placed his hand before his mouth and all colour drained from his face. "I..I do, don't I? I...I guess I do like him...."

Taehyung could only look at the other two boys with complete astonishment, just understanding this newfound knowledge about himself.

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