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"I'm pregnant Lexi and I just don't know what to do!" Zoey said while tears was running down her face

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"I'm pregnant Lexi and I just don't know what to do!" Zoey said while tears was running down her face.

"Zo you know I love you and you not telling anybody is going to put more stress on you and your baby"

She nodded her head "Well we can tell everybody right now but my parents I just don't know how to tell them".

"We'll tell them together after you tell everybody else".

She nodded her head and we walked out of the bathroom.

As we walked back to the booth everybody was just staring at Zoey for a answer as to why she just ran off.

I cleared my throat signaling for her to gone ahead and say it.

"I uh I'm uhh I'm pregnant"She said nervously biting her lip and looking dowb.

Everybody was just staring and Quincy got out of the booth and picked Zoey up and started twirling her in the air.

"I'm gonna have a mini me running around?"He smiled and she cheered up a little and nodded.

I just watched them in aw. Their relationship was cute, I wish I had something like theirs but I think Marion just isn't ready for a kid. I'll just ask him about it. Even though we're young it's still a thought.


I was so happy for Zoey and Quincy I know their going to make a good family

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I was so happy for Zoey and Quincy I know their going to make a good family. We all finished eating and threw our trash away and was on the way back to the school. When we pulled up Zaniyah and Kelton was waiting by the door but they looked mad at each other.

"Hey Niyah what's up with you and Kelton?"Ashlyn asked her.

"Man he got mad at me because I showed a new boy to his class talking about some I was being friendly"She said throwing her bookbag in the backseat.

"Really?" I asked laughing a little.

"Yes really so then when we was walking outside he was all up in some bitch face smiling and giggling...I didn't find shit funny."

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