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"Antonio?What are you doing here?"I asked looking right at him

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"Antonio?What are you doing here?"I asked looking right at him.

"I came back y'all I'm back and I-"

He was interrupted when a cute lightskin girl walked in.

"Babe I got most of everything but you can get the-Oh I'm sorry Hey y'all I'm Parker"She said smiling at us.

"Everybody this is my girlfriend Parker and Parker this is everybody"He said introducing us.

Everybody was just looking at her so I just decided to just greet her.

"Hey I'm Amyiah nice to meet you"I said holding my hand out.

She shook it and smiled back at me.

Pic Parker:

"Well do you guys have anywhere to stay?"I asked

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"Well do you guys have anywhere to stay?"I asked.

"Well no we just got here"Ant said.

I nodded my head.

"Okay well it's plenty of enough room here so I can show y'all your room just follow me"I said.

They nodded and picked up their things and followed me upstairs.

"Okay so here is your room you can make yourselves at home"I said showing them the room.

They dropped their stuff and looked around,I walked off and went back downstairs.

"Your really about to have them stay here?"Ashlyn whispered to me.

"I mean I kind of had no choice they just showed up in my damn living room"I whispered back.

"Oouuu this is going to be goood battle of the ex girlfriend and the girlfriend"Zay said rubbing his hands together.

I playfully pushed his head to the side and start laughing.

"There is nothing to worry about because I'm in love with Marcus so I really don't care if he has a new girlfriend that was his whole point of moving anyways"

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