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"Actually I do why-"

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"Actually I do why-"

I cut Zoey off because I wanted to do all the talking.

"Why you got my girlfriend and unborn baby in your mouth?"I asked Talia while folding my arms across my chest.

"What are you talking about?"She asked.

"Man you know what I'm talking about,Like I said why you got my girl name in yo' mouth"I said while slapping my hand against the table hard.

"I really don't know what you are talking about I didn't talk about your fast ass girlfriend"

"Girl yes you did you said that I wanted to trap him with a baby" Zoey said while walking towards her.

"Little girl I don't know who you think you are but imma need you to lower your voice"Talia said in a warning tone.

"Okay and I don't know who you are but do you see me saying shit about you?Because I can easily say how you didn't do nothing for the twins and was always leaving them alone while you kept popping yo' pussy with different men."Zoey snapped.

The room grew silent. Everybody was speechless of what Zoey just said out her mouth.

Talia slapped Zoey in the face. Before Zoey can react Amyiah little ass jumped over the couch and tackled Talia down and started to whoop her ass. Soon after all the girls were gettin in on Talia.

Me and the boys went to break up the fight but it took Ant,Treshawn,and our dad to get Amyiah off of her. Amyiah is extremely strong that's why I don't mess with her because she could most likely deck my ass out.

They finally got her off.
"What in the hell is going on in here!"My dad yelled.

"Pops Talia was talking about Zoey and she slapped her after she told her the facts"I told him.

Talia was just regaining her balance and she started to speak.

"That little fast ass girl disrespected me Dom"She slurred

"No I didn't I told you facts after you disrespected me and then you had to nerve to put your hands on me."

My dad shook his head.

"Get out"

"Pops what she didn't do nothing" he put his hand up and stopped me from talking.

"Talia get out my damn house before I lose my damn temper girl."He said in a warning tone.

Talia looked shocked.

"Really Dom Okay I'm gone bye" she flipped her stiff weave and walked out the house.

I went over to Zoey and examined her face. I start clenching my jaw because her face was turning purple.

"Come on baby let me go clean this up"my moms said while grabbing Zoey's hand. They both walked off up the stairs.

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