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"Lucas hurry the hell up before we are late to this appointment

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"Lucas hurry the hell up before we are late to this appointment."I yelled up the stairs.

"Okay baby I'm coming!"He yelled back.

I rolled my eyes and start scrolling on Instagram. Being 6 months pregnant comes with its perks literally. I'm having a baby boy I found out the gender two months ago but it feel like I'm having twins. This little boy is always kicking me and I'm eating twice as much meals as I did when I was pregnant with Amyiah.

"You ready baby?"He asked walking down the stairs.

I looked up at him and rolled my eyes. "I've been ready nigga but you just had to get ready like a damn bitch."I snapped brushing past him.

He grabbed me by my arm and yanked me back. "Chill your attitude Jordan before I make you change it."He said into my ear.

"Man come on so we can go to this appointment before you start something nigga"I smirked walking out the door.

"My son got yo shit looking fat ma"

"Boy come on"I said while laughing.

We got in the car and drove to the clinic.

When we got there I went to sign my name and went to go sit down next to Lucas.

"Mrs.Jordan Johnson?" The nurse called out.

We start walking to the back and I got on the table.

"Dr.Thompson will be with you shortly" the nurse said before she walked out.

After five minutes the doctor walked in.

"Hey Mrs.Johnson how you feeling?"

"Like I'm six months pregnant Doc"I joked.

She chuckled a little bit and I lifted my shirt up so she could put the gel stuff on.

"Well from the looks of it your doing everything right your stress levels are good and your baby boy is healthy" She said while moving the little thing around on my stomach.

We start hearing the heartbeat and I start tearing up and Lucas was smiling from ear to ear. I don't know why I always get so emotional but just hearing your baby's heartbeat really does something to you.

She got done checking me and everything and wiped the gel off of my stomach. I pulled my shirt back down and hopped off the little table.

"Baby can we get something to eat from somewhere?"I asked.

"Yea beautiful anything you want" Lucas said while kissing me and grabbing my hand so we can go.

We got into the car and drove up the street to Chick Fil A.

"Hey welcome to Chick Fil A how may I take your order?" The girl asked as we pulled up to the speaker.

"Can I get two of the eight piece chicken nuggets with a strawberry lemonade"I ordered my food.

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