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Me and Marcus both got up early this morning so he could plan out Him and Amyiah's date tonight

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Me and Marcus both got up early this morning so he could plan out Him and Amyiah's date tonight. He wanted them to have something special tonight since they haven't done anything special in a while.

"Okay sis so what you thinking?"

"Hmmmm okay so I think you should start off with a beautiful candle lit dinner on the beach then after y'all eat y'all can walk on the dock and you can ca-"


I was cut off with some man calling my name.

I looked at him with a confused look.

"I'm sorry do I know you?"I asked him.

"Your not going to remember me but I'm your father"

"My father?I don't have a father he left years ago"I said crossing my arms across my chest.

"I didn't mean to leave Makayla I had no choice"

"No you had a choice and you chose to leave us,My fucking life was a living hell!You know what you put me mom and Charly!We never had a real father figure"

"I know I know it's just I had no choice I really do love you all with all of my heart,I really just want to sit down with your mother and tell her everything.Can you call her for me?"

I teared up just thinking about my mother.

"There is no reason for you to sit down and talk to her,Her and Charly died about three years ago"I said wiping my eyes.

He looked at the ground and when he looked back at me he had tears in his eyes.

"H-o-o-w?"He stuttered out.

"Car accident"I said wiping my eyes again.

He start crying harder and he nodded.

"Can I get your number?I really want to speak to you"He asked.

I nodded and gave him my phone he put his number in.

"I have to go but I will be in touch you deserve to know of my absence"I said.

I nodded and he walked away to his car.

Marcus came up behind me and touched my shoulder.

"You okay lil sis?"

"Yea"I answered.

"So you gone keep in touch with your pops?"

"I don't know,Should I?"

"I think you should,If you had another chance to at least get an explanation out of my pops I would take it"

"Okay I'll think on it,but come on we have to finish planning this date"

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