Chpt.47-Makayla Vs.Tati part 1.

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I was downstairs in the kitchen with Elijah making him a bottle when Tre came downstairs and wrapping his arms around my waist

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I was downstairs in the kitchen with Elijah making him a bottle when Tre came downstairs and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hey baby"He kissed my neck and I smiled to myself "Hey" I giggled.

I turned around and faced him and he was looking me deep in my eyes. "You know I love you right"He said looking me dead in the eyes.

"Yea baby I know , and I love you too...Tre is there something wrong?"I furrowed my eyes at him.

"Can you sit down"

"No I can stay standing , What's up?"I squinted my eyes at him waiting for him to talk.

"Okay so first let me see Lijah because I know you won't hit me with him in my arms"He grabbed Elijah from me and then he start looking at the ground.

"Tre what the fuck is going on?"I start growing impatient waiting for him to talk.

"I chea-"That was all he had to get out before I smacked him dead in the face.

I took Elijah out of his arms and placed him on the counter and I start going in on him. I was hitting him with everything in me , While he was trying to block my hits.

"Yo Makayla chill!"He yelled out.

"No , pack yo shit Treshawn this is the second fucking time you have cheated on me !I do good by you I treat you right , Nigga I just had yo fuckin baby!and that wasn't enough for you ?Pack yo fucking shit and get the fuck out !"I snapped at him.

He sat there looking at me in disbelief. "And you can call yo maggot ass friends to come help you too nigga"I snapped picking a crying Elijah up and taking him upstairs to his room.

I placed him in his crib while a couple of tears escaped my eyes.

"Makayla baby please let me explain the situation"Tre pleaded walking into the room.

"Fine explain"I turned around and folded my arms at him.

"Look I was really drunk and high , and I ran into a old friend from high school you know she was cool peoples and all that and at first we was just catching up on things keeping it cordial and then somebody start shooting up the club and shit so I helped her outside and just drove her to McDonald's and I was just so messed up in the head that we just did a simple little kiss and she gave me head but baby I was thinking about you the whole time I swear"He told me looking me in the eyes the whole time.

He tried to give me a hug but I slapped his arm aways. "Don't fucking touch me , you think telling me all that was gone make me feel better ?Think again nigga pack yo shit"I said with tears running down my face.

I didn't know what to feel I was torn in pieces and it felt like my heart was just completely broken and just another side of me wanted to kill him.

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