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I was at Walmart trying to get some snacks for everybody at the house because we was having movie night in the theater room tonight

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I was at Walmart trying to get some snacks for everybody at the house because we was having movie night in the theater room tonight. I was walking down the aisle when I saw a beautiful skinny mixed girl reaching to grab a box of cereal. I guess she didn't see me there because she ran right into me.

"Oh I'm so,sorry I wasn't looking where I was going"She said while bending down to grab the stuff she dropped out of my hand.

"It's okay ma no worries"I chuckled helping her out.

"Again I'm so sorry"She said while playing with her thumbs.

I lifted her head up by her chin. "I said it was good uh I didn't get your name beautiful"

"Oh right I'm Makayla and you are?"

"I'm Treshawn"I smirked.

"Oh well it was nice to meet you Treshawn"She smiled pushing a piece of hair behind her hair.

"Same to you Makayla but I would really like to take you out sometime."I told her honestly.

"Yea sure that's fine just put your number in my phone". I grabbed her phone and put my number in it."

I gave her my phone and she put her number in it.

"Well it was nice to meet you Miss Makayla I'll hit you up for that date"I said while smiling at her.

"Same to you too Treshawn"She smiled and turned around and walked down the aisle.

Pic of Makayla:

I finished up gathering the snacks and walked to check out

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I finished up gathering the snacks and walked to check out. I paid for all of the food and headed out towards the house,I pulled up in the driveway and everybody was here so I got out with all of the groceries and headed inside. When I walked in everybody was already in the movie room.

I made my way upstairs to where everybody was and they was all arguing on what movie to watch.

"Tre please tell these dickheads that we should watch Daddy Daycare"Desiree waved the movie in the air.

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