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I was at my house upstairs in my room packing my clothes up so I could leave town

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I was at my house upstairs in my room packing my clothes up so I could leave town.My phone vibrated on the dresser so I went and answered it because it was the unknown number.

Unknown-Did you do it?

Brook-Yes I did it,I did everything you said and I want out.

Unknown-bitch there is no out,your in too deep now you did what you did,now you gone do everything I say or that's yo head.

Brook-Who gone kill me?Because you seem scary.

Unknown-Don't underestimate me,I got snipers watching your every move. So you can gone ahead and unpack that bag because you not going nowhere until I have Amyiah Johnson dead. Now tootles.

They hung the phone up before I could even say anything. I sighed and threw my phone down on the bed,I start unpacking my bag's and putting my clothes up until I heard the doorbell ring.

I grabbed my phone off of the bed,and walked downstairs. I opened the door and Kj,Marcus,and Zay was standing there.

"Is there something y'all want?Why y'all here?"I asked opening the door wider.

"Yea,I actually wanted to do this"Marcus said walking inside.

"Well what?"I asked.

He then grabbed me by my neck and lifted me up in the air and threw me into the wall. I instantly fell on my face while I felt blood coming in my mouth,and down my nose. I then felt my head getting lifted up by my hair.

"Let me make something clear bitch,You will stay the fuck away from Amyiah,and if you ever even think about ruining our relationship again I will take this gun in my hand and blow your fucking brains out. You got that?"Marcus said through gritted teeth in my ear.

I nodded,and he slammed my head back down on the ground.

"And just to make sure I made myself very clear.Zay,Kj do what y'all came here to do"He said.

After he said that I start hearing glass breaking and stuff being thrown everywhere. I lifted myself off of the ground and saw my whole house trashed. Then I looked towards the door,and Ivory was standing there.

"Ivory?"I asked with tears running down my face.

"Why Brook?Why would you do that?"She said walking into the house.

I just looked down at the ground,and then she walked closer to me while I was looking at the ground until I felt her knee come up. I fell back on the floor holding my nose looking up at her.

"Your a dirty bitch,I have nothing but disgust for you"She said spitting on me,and walking out of my house.

I just crawled up in a ball and cried my eyes out.

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