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It's been a month and I have been doing good me and Marcus have been hanging out a lot lately we've kissed, but never really took it far and I'm fine with that

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It's been a month and I have been doing good me and Marcus have been hanging out a lot lately we've kissed, but never really took it far and I'm fine with that.

If I'm not with Marcus I'm either spending time with everybody or with my mom she is due any minute now.

I haven't spoken to Ant and I like it like that we keep our distance when I'm at the guys house he made it official with Hayley at first I cared but then I remembered who I was and just brushed it off. Everybody has met Marcus and they all like him even my parents.

"Omg you play way to much Marcusss!"I yelled as he smeared ice cream on my face.

"Okay and what you gone do about?Exactly nothing."He laughed out.

I took advantage and scooped a handful of ice cream in my hand and smacked it right on his.

"Got yo ass niggaaaa"I stuck my tongue out.

His face went serious and he left out the room and came back with a big bowl of ice cream.

"Nooo wait I quit I quitt!"I screamed while jumping off the bed and running.

"Nah nah don't run now." He chased me.

"Pleaseee!"I screamed but it was too late he had already scooped it all up and threw it at my face.

"Got yo ass niggaaaaaa."He said while laughing

"Oh My God I know you did nottt!"I screamed wiping some ice cream off of my eyes.

He start laughing harder at my face so I went into the kitchen and took a cake that we had in there I put it on a platter and ran back into my room.

"Ohhhh, Marcusss,"I smirked at him.

"Yo quit playing Amyiah come on man."He said trying to run but I had already caught him and I smashed the whole cake in his face.

"Oh you finna get it."He said while picking up a piece of cake.

"Daddyy!"I yelled  running down the stairs.

"What princess?"

"Marcus he-"

I was interrupted when Marcus came running towards us I peeped it first and ducked and he tripped over me and ran straight into my daddy and he smashed the piece of cake right in his face.

"Uh Marcus, run now."I said while holding back my laugh.

Marcus start running and my dad was chasing right after him.

"Imma fucking kill him"My daddy said while chasing Marcus.

"Daddy don't do it to him."I said laughing so hard.

"What the hell is going on?"My momma asked coming from behind me.

"Marcus accidentally hit daddy with a piece of cake"I said still laughing.

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