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I woke up to Alexis standing over me

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I woke up to Alexis standing over me. Not even gone lie,she scared the shit outta me a nigga jumped a little.

"Aye man the fuck you doing"I asked while wiping the sleep from my eyes.

"Nothing nigga just nothing just trynna see if you cheating or anything"She said while looking at me like she was trying to figure something out.

I looked at her like she was dumb "Girl what the hell you talking about?"

"Nigga you heard me,You cheating?"

See the only thing I won't do is cheat on Alexis she to special for that and plus she crazy as hell and I like my life right now so I wanna keep it.

"Man hell no I'm not cheating Lexis."

"Better not be or I'll fuck you and that bitch up"She said while walking to the door.

"Crazy ass"I mumbled.

She threw a lotion bottle at the back of my head. "What was that nigga?I didn't hear you clear enough say it again"

"Mannn I didn't even say nothing"I grumbled rubbing the back of my head.

"Yea better not have"She said while slamming the door.

Sometimes I just wonder to myself why I even fool with this crazy ass girl,but no lie she got a nigga pussy whipped plus I love her gorgeous crazy ass.I've always had something for crazy girls it's just something about them that makes a nigga scared and I like that.

I cut the shower on and took a thirty minute shower and did the rest of my morning routine.

I walked out the bathroom and went into my closet and picked me a outfit out and my chain and then lotioned my body down.

I got dressed and put my chain and earrings on and walked downstairs. Everybody was already up and in the living room when I got down there.

"Wassup my niggas and wassup ladies."I greeted walking into the living room.

"Hey."All the girls said in unsion.

"Hey lil dick."Zay said and I scrunched my face up at him.

"Anyways...What's the move today?"I asked.

"We gotta go to the trap real quick and discuss something"Ant said while rolling up a blunt.

"What we gotta discuss?"

"You'll see. We just waiting on Treasure,Tre,Kj,and T to come on and we gone head out.

I nodded my head and start playing 2k with Quinton.



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