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"Baby you ready!"Marion yelled from downstairs

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"Baby you ready!"Marion yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming!"I yelled back at him. I finished up with my hair and grabbed everything I needed and carefully walked downstairs where Marion and Marion Jr. was.

"About time"

"Boy hush"I rolled my eyes. "Hey Jr."I smiled at Marion Jr. He didn't say anything back because his eyes was just glued to his tablet.

Marion looked down at him and snatched it away.

"Hey!"He yelled at Marion.

"Boy who you talking to?and I know you heard Lexi talking to you"

He looked at me and smiled and came over and hugged my legs. "Hey Lexi"

"Hey baby"I laughed out. "Can I have it back now?"He asked reaching for his tablet from Marion.

"Man hell nah , you be paying to much attention to this damn thing anyways you can take a little short break from it"He said putting it on top of the kitchen counter. "Now come on , we got places to be and go"

Jr. start pouting and he followed Marion outside , I snuck the tablet from the kitchen counter and put it in my purse. When we got in the car I gave it to Jr. "Lexi why you give it to him , when I took it from him?"

"Because he just a kid Marion and it keeps him occupied"I shrugged.

"Well he my damn son and what I say go , you don't make the decisions I do!"He snapped back at me and the base in his voice made me and Jr. flinch a little.

"You know what , I'm just going to drive myself to the doctor because you tripping right now over a damn tablet."I said getting out of the car.

"Man come on Lexi just get in the car"He sucked his teeth.

I just closed the door and walked off,I heard his car door open and I heard him running towards me.

He turned me around and put his hand gently on my throat and kissed me. "I'm sorry baby"He said kissing on my jawline and then going lower. "I'll make it up to you , later on tonight and I'll do that thing that you love with my tongue"He whispered in my ear. "So will you get in the car for me?"

Guess what I did ?I got my black ass in the car.

He started the car up and we drove off towards the clinic. When we got there I helped Jr. out of his booster seat and I grabbed his hand and we all walked into the clinic , I signed my name in and went and sat down.

"Alexis Givens?"The lady called out , We all got up and went to the back with her.

"Okay Ms.Givens how do you feel ?Are you experiencing anything that you think we need to be concerned about?"

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