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I was in the living room talking to Jaylen , when we heard Kj yelling up stairs

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I was in the living room talking to Jaylen , when we heard Kj yelling up stairs.

"Man get up and clean all this shit up!"He yelled at Princeton.

"Damn what he getting in trouble for now ?"Jaylen asked looking in the direction of the stairs.

"Prince been on thin ice with Kj lately , He keeps getting in trouble at school and also he don't be listening to Kj"I sighed.

"Well Kj haven't whooped that ass yet?"

"No not yet , He trying to be patient but Prince just testing him"I shrugged.

"Damn girl , Well a good ass whooping can always get them to act right. Just saying wear that lil ass out I bet he won't act up nomore"

"Girl I'm not finna play with you"I laughed out.

"Momma!"Princeton yelled running down the stairs running towards me and Jaylen.

"What baby?"

He came running around to the couch and start hiding , and then we saw Kj coming down the stairs with a belt in his hands. "Get over here!"He snapped and his voice made Princeton flinch.

"I-I'm S-Sorry D-D-Daddy"He stuttered with tears already coming down his face.

"Come on Kj"I tried reasoning with him. "Move Ivory this whooping is long over due I'm going to show him who really the boss"Kj stated walked over to where Princeton was.

Princeton tried running , but Kj caught him by his collar and picked him up off the ground Princeton was still trying to run in mid-air , and me and Jaylen was trying to hold our laughter in and so was Kj.

Kj took the belt and hit him with one powerful hit and Princeton start screaming crying. "Now get up there and clean that damn room up , or I'm really going to give you something to cry about" Kj told him pushing him towards the stairs.

Princeton immediately ran up the stairs and into his room.

Me and Jaylen both looked at Kj and we all busted out laughing.

"Y'all funny as hell , And really Kj?"Jaylen laughed out.

"Now dude will stop being a bad ass"Kj shook his head laughing.

"Babe you had to grab him by the collar though?"I laughed.

"That wasn't even planned"He shrugged.

A mess.



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