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"Bye Mike"I waved to the man at the first desk at my job

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"Bye Mike"I waved to the man at the first desk at my job. "Bye Miss.Makayla"He waved back at me.

I walked outside into the car garage and found my car and got inside , I plugged my phone up in the car charger because it was dead. When my phone finally turned on I saw that I had a whole bunch of texts and calls from the girls and Tre.

What the hell?

I unlocked my phone and called Tre to see what he wanted.

"Hey baby wassup"I said as he picked up on the first ring.

"Makayla where are you ?"His voice was like in a panic , and now I was more confused than ever.

"Leaving work why?"

"You need to get home now , Don't stop for anything just come straight home."He instructed.

"Tre I- what are you trying to say?"I was a little freaked out now because he wasn't telling me nothing.

"Dammit Makayla , Just listen to me"I could tell in his voice that he was getting aggravated.

"Okay Okay I'm coming"

"Don't hang up until your in our driveway"He told me.

I placed my phone in the cup holder and started driving faster to the house , After my third red light I noticed that two big black trucks were following me.

"Tre"I said picking up the phone and putting it on speaker. "Yes baby I'm here , what's wrong"

"There is two trucks following me"

"Shit okay , Makayla baby I'm going to need you to listen to me and listen to me carefully"

"Tre what's going on!"I cried out with tears running down my face.

"Makayla baby calm down , Just listen to me ....I want you to take the first exit you see and do it quickly"

"Okay"I bit my bottom lip a little bit and did exactly what he told me to do. "Okay I took the exit , Now what?"

"I need you to drive fast baby , Try to lose them"

I nodded and sped up I looked in the mirror and noticed that the trucks were speeding up as well but they also were going seperate ways and they were both on each side of me.

"Tre !please their on either side of me"I cried gripping the steering wheel.

"Drive Makayla!and drive fast! don't stop for nothing!"He instructed.

"Tre I'm scared!"I yelled with more tears coming down my face.

"Makayla I need you to tell me where you are as of right now"

"I'm down the street from Wendy's on 45"I told him.

"Okay baby just keep going , is there anything you can cover yourself with?"

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