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March 19, 2019


I get that. This whole 'anonymous' thing has its perks. You could totally lie about who you are and would easily get away with it.

Anyway, I'm 18 years old, and although I'm not failing math with a 53, I'm failing it with 52 :D. I don't particularly like science in itself, but I can see why people love it. My favorite subject (and honestly best) is dance. You know that theater class the school offers for musicals? Not exactly my style, but more my tempo.

I don't believe I'm that interesting either. There are things I say and do that don't make a whole lot of sense. Like... butterflies terrify me... and whenever I tell someone I don't like them, they look at me as if I spoke in tongues. Being scared of butterflies is probably the closest thing to 'interesting' I've got.

Knowing that you love and can compose songs makes me really happy, actually. Music has always been a part of me. I feel like everyone says that, but it's true. It's like an entirely different world - one you never want to leave. I'm sure you understand!

As for my favorite color? I always tell people it's black, just to immediately get shut down by a 'that's a shade!'. It's secretly orange, thank you very much. You aren't allowed to tell anyone >:(. That'd be a bit hard though, seeing as you don't even know my name. I'm literally rambling over a letter now, yada yada. I'm not much of a talker but as soon as I put my pen on paper I can't stop.

All in all, I'm glad these letters have been giving you something to do. Some days can seem weirdly long and boring - sometimes even a little bit moody - but having something to look forward to and actually do is really great. Fun. Takes your mind off of things ~

Sincerely, L.M.

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