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The school day had ended as quickly as it had arrived; night soon falling after a few hours of nonsense scrolling through Instagram. Minho just couldn't rip his mind away from the blonde so broken. Whenever he closed his eyes, the only thing he could see were Jisung's teary eyes, threatening to spill, and how much pain they held inside.

He wanted to hold the boy in his arms until his tears weren't there anymore and tell him how important he was; and to him at that. Noting this, he quickly tugged on his shoes and a hoodie he grabbed from his bedroom floor, before dropping his phone into his pocket. His mother was very lenient when it came to going out with friends, so Minho simply told her that he was going to see a movie and would be back later.

With permission to leave the house, Minho closed and locked the door behind him, before walking down the driveway towards his car. It was a small four-door his mom had bought for him a while back, and he couldn't have loved it any more than he already did.

Before turning the engine on and actually leaving the driveway, Minho opened up the map on Snapchat, zooming in on Jisung to see where he had lived. Taking a look at the blonde's address, he quickly buckled up before pulling out of the driveway entirely.

The entire ride to Jisung's house, Minho couldn't stop thinking about holding the boy close to him and simply being there for him. He had seen the way the younger looked a bit more happy around him; and he truly couldn't get enough of that feeling.

The ride had quickly gone by, and when he was done parking next to the curb a little ways away, rather than in the driveway itself, he turned to stare at the house. It wasn't small, but it wasn't big either. He could see a tree, fortunately, close enough to a window on the second floor; which he could only assume was an entrance to Jisung's room. He had remembered when the boy showed up to his house with a limp, and plenty of movies had helped him realize, or at least think, that the blonde climbed down the tree and jumped.

Scratching the back of his neck, Minho hastily got out of the car before locking it. He eyed the neighborhood he was in, just to make sure no one was out staring at him, before jogging over to the tree on the far side of the house.

He hadn't even taken a minute to inspect where and how he'd actually climb the tree; instead, grabbing onto a branch before pulling himself up. He continued scaling the tree a short ways up, before he was close enough to reach an arm out and gently knock against the window. As close as he was to the house, he could hear faint shouting from somewhere in the building, which caused his heart to immediately sink. Was this what Jisung had to deal with every single day?

Knocking against the window a second time, Minho flinched when he saw the curtains get pulled back, yet quickly calmed when he saw a tired Jisung peek through. The boy looked hesitant to open the window, honestly embarrassed about his parents' arguing, but after seeing the small smile plastered to the elder boy's lips, he opened the window.

Once safely inside the house, Minho fixed his hoodie, before focusing his gaze on the blonde. He was wrapped up in a thin blanket, his hair sticking up in different places as if he tossed and turned trying to fall asleep. Jisung quietly walked to his bedroom door, making sure it was locked, before turning around.

"W-What are you doing here?" he stuttered, making sure to keep his voice leveled, as he walked over to the elder again. Even in the dim lit room, Minho could see the embarrassment on the blonde's face each time one of his parents had yelled from downstairs.

VIVA LA VIDA ━ MINSUNG ✓Where stories live. Discover now