Dear Felix

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It's currently June 25th, a little over a month after finishing Viva La Vida and you have no idea I'm writing this. I know you like spoilers, but you'll just have to see this when it's published :)

I'm not going to lie when I say this month was one of the hardest, even if that seems dramatic. Viva La Vida was something I looked forward to every single day, and the thought of it being over sucked. This book was like my escape from reality, and it was most definitely thanks to you. I know you miss the book as much as I do.. and all the memories it brought. But it certainly is possible to continue plans (wink).

We've built a friendship I never saw myself having again, and that's something to be so proud of. You private messaged me one day, and everything just grew from there. From the more serious talks, to the ones where we'd cry over this book, it's all given me a reason to wake up happier.

You, Felix, are such an amazingly talented person and no matter how much I say it, you'll never understand to the fullest extent of how appreciated you are... not just by me, but by everyone. It was such an honor working with you, because believe it or not, I have learned things I've never been told and it was all because of you. This book wouldn't have gotten anywhere if it wasn't for your continuous encouragement. You're one of a kind, so never allow yourself to believe you aren't good enough. Please never let your talent go to waste either, in all things you do, because I can honestly say you've got a brilliant future.

Thank you for being you, man. So with love and a neverending supply of appreciation,

Emma (lovebins).

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