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Jisung stood in front of his mirror, fussing over his hair for the fifth time in the past few minutes or so. He liked his outfit choice at first, but was beginning to think that his oversized sweater tucked into ripped black jeans was a bit too casual.

After all, Minho hadn't told the other boy where they were going, and he worried that he would be way too underdressed for their evening. He didn't want to show up to his first date with Minho in something that would make him look like an outcast compared to the elder boys visuals and taste in fashion.

Sighing in frustration, Jisung quickly ran his fingers through his hair to see if that would calm down the blonde locks; they were out of control, as usual. Clothes were strewn about the boys bedroom, different variations of outfits that just hadn't worked out.

Minho had told Jisung to meet him at his house at 8:30pm sharp, and now with the time at a dangerous 8:15 the boy worried that he'd be late. What a terrible first move that would be, showing up to their date tardy.

The word date still made heat rush to Jisungs cheeks at the thought. He didn't think he compared to the elder, visual wise, and he was afraid that Minho would be embarrassed to appear in public with the younger by his side. With his roughed up appearance (his swollen eye still not fully healed) and his obviously cheap clothing, he didn't want to cause the dark haired boy to be on the receiving end of judging looks from the world's inhabitants.

A sharp knock at his bedroom door snapped him out of his thoughts, panic immediately coursing through him at undesirable levels.
The boy quickly jumped into his bed, burying himself under the covers in hope that whoever was at the door would simply believe he was asleep.

The door creaked open, and there was an uncomfortable minute or so of silence that wrapped itself around Jisungs throat, constricting him with a paralyzing fear that something bad was going to happen.

A few painfully long seconds later, the door clicked shut, and the blonde let out an unintentional sigh of relief. Eyes nearly bulging out of his head as he saw how late it was getting, he decided to throw on a beanie to hide his unruly hair before quietly making his way to his window.

His parents had a strict curfew set for the boy. He wasn't allowed out past 8:00, and Jisung knew that by doing this he was breaking every rule in his parents book. With a surge of adrenaline beginning to flow through his veins, he made the leap from his bedroom window to his front yard, wasting no time before hopping onto his bike and taking off down the road.

.。*゚+.*.。+..。*゚+ .。*゚+.*.。

Still feeling giddy from his rather large act of rebellion, Jisung practically floated to Minhos door, a winded and somewhat excited smile finding its way onto his face. He only hoped he wasn't late, as he'd forgotten to grab his phone before launching himself out of his bedroom window.

The door opened almost immediately, and Jisungs heart sped up even more at the sight of the elder boy, who had his own smile lingering on his lips.

Soon after opening the door, Minho's eyes grazed over the blonde's outfit; smiling at the fact that his hoodie was maroon, opposing his own navy blue clothing article. The elder felt a wave of relief wash over him as he realized Jisung went for a more casual look. All night, he couldn't step away from the fact that if he either underdressed or overdressed compared to the younger male, it would've been awkward.

Blushing for no reason he could've come up with, Jisung mustered up the rest of his courage he talked himself into showing. "Hi," he smiled, stuffing his hands into the front pockets of his jeans.

"Hey... you look hot," Minho grinned, opening the door a bit wider so he could step to the side and allow the boy to walk in.

Blinking, Jisung forced himself to keep his facial expression the same; although he could feel his blush growing in the slightest. "You look good too," he managed to mumble, his palms already feeling sweaty against the material of his pants.

Smiling, Minho simply shrugged, before sitting on a chair that was placed beside a table to tie his shoes better. "Thank you. Ready?"

Watching the elder tie his shoes in a matter of seconds, he nodded, signalling that he was ready, after a constant battle with his own head. Deciding on a decent enough outfit really wasn't as easy as he believed it would be.

"Let's go." Opening the door for Jisung not even a full two minutes after welcoming him in, Minho closed and locked it behind the both of them, before walking towards the driveway.

"Where are we going?" the blonde quietly asked as he got into the passenger seat, hurriedly finding the buckle.

"It's a surprise," the elder muttered, a hint of a smile playing on his lips as he got into the car as well, buckling and turning the key to start the vehicle.

Jisung stared down at his shoes (dirty converse, he had no other alternatives) to occupy himself, anything to distract the boy from his nerves. He had no idea what the elder boy had planned for them, seeing as there wasn't too much to do past 8:30 around their town. At first, he'd suspected that they'd be going to see a movie, however that thought was quickly shot down when he realized every movie in their local cinema stopped playing at exactly 8 o'clock.

"Do you like the stars, Jisung?" Minho asked softly, his voice a familiar mumble that the blonde had begun to grow accustomed to.

Only having it in him to manage a weak nod, Jisung nodded slightly in the elders direction. Minho was focused on the road however managed to catch Jisungs gesture via his peripheral vision.

"You can put some music on," Minho reassured the younger, frowning at the boys nervous demeanor. He could tell that Jisung was anxious about their whole situation, and he hoped that music could help to calm him down; Jisung had admitted (through letter) that music was one of his few passions.

Soft music flooded from the cars speakers, Jisung instantly feeling slightly calmer as he lost himself in the beat and rhythm of the song. Minho, taking note of the change in the boys mood, took it upon himself to intertwine his fingers with Jisungs.

Jisung felt a light blush creep it's way up his neck, and he hoped that in the dim light that the moon was offering mixed with the light from the radio that Minho couldn't see how red his face was becoming.

hi! this is felix, ( dearmashikyu ), and while emma is still on hiatus, VLV will still be ongoing, since this is a prewritten story.
thank you!

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