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An hour had passed between the time Jisung fell asleep and their arrival. The scenery had perfectly surrounded the stage, which had precisely been placed in front of a hill for every concert-goer to have an amazing view. Most, if not all, parking spots had already been filled, so Minho was forced to park a decent ways away from the stage.

He quickly turned the engine off, before stepping out of the car entirely; walking around to the other side to help the blonde out. He had still managed to sleep through the bumpy gravel roads and soundcheck noises from the far off stage, which was an amazement to Minho.

He gently opened the door, before waking the boy up with a kiss. It was something out of a fairytale; cheesy and predictable, but Minho didn't care. It seemed to easily work, too, because soon after moving away, Jisung's eyes parted as he stared out towards the horizon.

The sun had already disappeared behind the hills, but the colors in the sky never ceased to die yet. Unbuckling himself so he could step out as well, Jisung clinged to Minho's arm so his sleepiness wouldn't cause him to trip. "Are you going to tell me where we are yet?" he questioned, eyeing the countless cars parked near and further from them. The sound of voices were also evident in the distance, but yet another hill had blocked his view of where they were.

"No," Minho smiled, before locking the car doors and turning towards the hill. He figured the younger would figure things out himself, so he continued on his way, knowing Jisung was pouting as he followed.

The two walked side-by-side for what felt like five minutes max, before reaching the top of the hill. A stage was set at the bottom, accompanied by thriving lights and lively people spilled across the angled land. The view was by far most breathtaking as Jisung stared at the lake a few miles away, before turning his attention to the setting sky, the awakening stage, and the joyful people. The words were caught in his throat; speaking not even seeming like a choice at that point.

Minho gripped his hand before pulling him to an empty spot on the hill; stationed close enough to see easily. Jisung was still in awe at the scenery of nothing around but the stage, hills, and lake itself.

"Do you like it?" the older mumbled, biting his bottom lip as he waited for the boy's verbal reaction. By the looks of it, Jisung loved it. There was a sense of starstruck emotions in his eyes so visible, it was nearly impossible to miss the joy he radiated.

Jisung plainly nodded, sitting down as his eyes roaming from on thing to the next at lighting speed. It looked as if the concert was starting soon because most people at the front of the stage started dancing and cheering, while the people that held back chatted and bobbed their heads occasionally. Minho joined him on grassy hill, slowly draping an arm across his shoulders.

Realizing he hadn't answered, Jisung quickly turned his head, placing a kiss against the boys lips as if saying thank you. Thank you for the night, and everything before then.

Their lips danced with ease, Minho bringing a hand up to cup the youngers face; much like the first time their lips had ever met. It didn't matter in that moment that they were in public, because to the elder boy Jisung was the only important factor of his life, his one and only reality that he wanted to grasp onto forever.

Actual reality, however, always seemed to be forgotten as soon as their lips would meet, both boys melting into one another's hands and giving into each other's touch easily. Jisungs lips were soft, his hands making their way into Minhos hair as they longed to be even closer.

Minho was the one to pull away, letting his thumb rest against Jisungs bottom lip, playfully parting it from the top one as he watched the blondes eyes crease with a smile. "I have something for you," he said gently, his boyfriend raising a curious brow in response.

Pulling a folded piece of paper from his back pocket, Minho pushed it in the direction of his boyfriend. Jisung only stared down at it, recognizing the baby blue lines and slightly visible pen ink. His heart skipped a beat at the nostalgia of their lives, but nonetheless, gripped the paper before opening it.

Reading the first sentence, it was hard not to keep his eyes from watering. Although he wouldn't allow the happiest of tears to fall, something inside him changed that night, and for the better of it all.

Dear Han Jisung,

My name is Lee Minho, your pen pal buddy, but also the boy that's fallen so helplessly in love with you. How ironic of us to "meet" over a letter, having no real idea of the impacts they'll have on us as people... only for new experiences and lifelong memories to sprout from our very words. I don't know what you truly endured beyond the words you wrote to me or what you felt after reading mine, but I know how complete I felt. Even if it was one of the more simple letters I sent or received, it made my day feel a thousand times more real.

I remember you telling me science was your best subject in one of your earlier letters, which then led us to the planetarium. Do you remember that night the way I do? It was our first time going out together; the first of many. I told you that the brightest star had reminded me of you because you were the brightest star in my sky. Those were simple words back then, yet they silently formed us into the people we are today. You told me you felt the same, and I cannot explain over writing just how much of an impact those few words had on me. That night made me realize that there was something in you; a spark or feeling that I wanted to see.

We've both been through our ups and downs, yet I believe they've only made us stronger. Your life means more to me than my own. I couldn't imagine a day waking up without seeing you, or at least knowing that you'd show up soon. I couldn't imagine a day without you at all. I want to kiss away every single mark and make you realize that you are loved. I want to be the painkiller you turn to when things go downhill. I want you to put your trust in me because believe me when I say I'll never let it slip from my hands.

I hope you still want to learn how to dance, because I'll be there every step of the way. I remember you writing to me, saying it was something you wanted to do along with going to an amusement park. One day, maybe. Something I've always wanted to do is to listen to your music. To this day, I still question what your voice sounds like when vocalizing the music you create. The only thing I know and will continue to believe is that it's just as beautiful as you.

Han Jisung, my pen pal buddy and the boy I couldn't see myself without, you're my sun, my moon, and all the stars above. I know we're both just broken stars, but you took my heart and pieced it back together with dreams, hopes, and quiet whispers.

Forever love, Lee Minho.

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