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Minho could barely focus, feeling too worried to even relish in the fact that his boyfriend was currently wrapped up in his arms. He could see the lack of light in his eyes, his concern only increasing when he realized just how fidgety Jisung had been all day.

Running his fingers through the boys blonde strands, Minho pressed a gentle kiss to his temple with the hope that it'd calm him down. He wondered, not for the first time, what was going through the younger boys head.

"Something bothering you, angel?" Minho murmured softly, pulling Jisung a bit closer. "You seem distracted."

Without missing a beat, Jisung shook his head and moved a bit closer into his boyfriends chest. Despite this, the elder couldn't shake away the feeling that something just wasn't right with the boy in his arms.

Minho opened his mouth to speak, but closed it after a gentle kiss of reassurance on his cheek. Intertwining one of his hands with Jisungs while simultaneously continuing to stroke his hair, Minho decided not to push the younger boy to tell him something he wasn't ready for, even if he felt like it was tearing him apart piece by piece.

Hearing that familiar ringtone from the bottom of his backpack, Jisung reluctantly got up, but not before leaving his lips pressed against Minho's for a short second.

"I-I have to go," the blonde stuttered, staring down at his phone as if it were burning a hole through itself. He didn't want to accept the call with Minho in the room, so he grabbed his backpack and stuffed each foot into a shoe; not bothering to see if they were tied or not.

"You just got here," Minho hurriedly stood up, walking over to the blonde with wide eyes. He wanted to hug him and hope that the world would just let them be for a while longer, but it almost seemed impossible. He tried grabbing onto Jisung's hand for the probable last time that night, yet the younger was quick to leave before he had the chance to. Although he felt himself breaking just a bit more, he knew that Jisung had his own problems and things he had to do. They often seemed to be interfering, in a slight way, with what they had, yet Minho didn't do anything because he couldn't.

Not even given the chance to say goodbye, Minho dejectedly walked over to his window just in time to see the blonde pedalling his bike as fast as his legs would take him. He stood up on the pedals for some reason, allowing the wind to take away his thoughts and problems for a simple second, before he sat back down until he was completely out of sight.

.。*゚+.*.。+..。*゚+ .。*゚+.*.。

It had been hours since Jisung left; leaving the elder to question what had happened that caused him to frantically leave. Was it his mom who'd called again?

Staring down at his math worksheet from earlier in the day, he couldn't wrap his mind around the various triangles and numbers surrounding them. He hated seeing other people understand when he didn't have a single clue as to what was going on; because it genuinely made him feel stupid. That's the only thing he felt when walking into school, really; a tsunami of hateful thoughts towards his understanding in subjects. He felt like a lab rat, in the most unreal way possible.

Pulling his mind away from his lack of understanding, his phone buzzed, signalling a call. It was Jisung, and once seeing that, his brain quickly replayed previous events that had happened that exact same day. The blonde was fidgety, distant, and quiet; more so than he had ever been.

Quickly swiping the green button, Minho put the phone to his ear just as his heart began speeding up. "Hello?" he mumbled, hoping Jisung was focusing on him now, and not the obvious shouting behind him. Minho's heart ached at the sounds; wishing he could take Jisung away to somewhere that wasn't there. "Jisung, baby, talk to me. What's wrong?" he quietly added, yet the only answer he recieved was a small sniffle coming from the other line.

Nodding in understanding, Minho quickly disregarded his math homework; finding it useless at that point. Although he had absolutely no idea how to calm someone down, he believed trying would've been better than hanging up entirely after having not said anything. "Okay, just focus on me." Pushing his hair away from his forehead, Minho got up so he could sit on the edge of his bed.

"I want to talk to you about my day," he started up again, knowing that a switch in topic would take Jisung's mind off of whatever was bothering him for at least a minute. That was a minute less he'd be in pain. "I got into math and realized I left my calculator on the desk in my room, so when I pulled my phone out to use the calculator on there, I got yelled at by my teacher. I mean, it's not like I was even trying to cheat on a worksheet I don't understand in the first place."

He could hear Jisung quietly chuckle in short reply, before going back to sniffling every now again. The sound of his parents arguing seemed to have gotten even louder, yet Minho was genuinely stuck on bringing the blonde's attention towards him, in hopes of calming him down, to the best he could've possibly done.

"Stay on the phone with me," he quickly added, hearing the younger male's breath hitch each time his parents increased their voice levels.

"I'm tired, Minho. I'm so tired," Jisung mumbled; his words having multiple meanings hiding behind them. Although Minho didn't doubt that the boy was physically tired, he forced himself to wrap his head around the fact that he was obviously, and with great reason, mentally and emotionally exhausted too.

Nodding, although the blonde couldn't see it, Minho opened his mouth to speak. He wanted to take a certain path with his words, but he also didn't want to make Jisung more upset than he already was. "Put your headphones in and try to sleep. I know it might be difficult, but lock your door and think of the times you were in my arms; warm, and content. I'll still be here when you wake up."

Sniffling again, Jisung wished he was in Minho's arms; away from his house and away from the thoughts that drowned him when alone. "Okay," he whispered, wiping his eyes with the back of his hands, before grabbing his headphones from the pocket of his hoodie. He plugged them in, drowning out at least some of the shouting from downstairs. Minho's breathing and quiet words cancelled out the noisy, anxiety-inducing shouts that continuously rung throughout his head. "Please don't hang up."

"I won't," the elder immediately replied in a quiet tone, imagining himself wrapping the boy in his arms to keep him happy. Thus started his continuing talk of whatever came to mind. Whether it was of his fear of butterflies, to his dance practices, Minho made sure to keep talking, just so Jisung wouldn't feel so alone with the thoughts he had.

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