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Smiling down at the note in hand, Minho dug his phone out from the front pocket of his jeans just as he was leaving the school campus. Classes had ended early that day, thus giving them time to do whatever. Clicking on Jisung's contact like he had always done, he waited for the boy to pick up.

"Hey," he murmured once the ringing had been replaced with shallow breaths. Although he hadn't seen Jisung in school that day, for obvious personal reasons, he believed that calling the younger would be just as beneficial.

"...Hi," Jisung quietly replied. Minho could practically hear the tiny smile planted to the boys lips, all thanks to the tone of voice he used. Although it wasn't passing excited, it was close enough to happy. He could only assume the younger was bored out of his mind while stuck at his house, or wherever he was, so calling heightened his uneventful day. "How was school?"

Pulling his necklace down so it wasn't nearly choking him, Minho shrugged, as if Jisung could see. "It was alright. Not a lot happened." Pausing his words to move out of the way of other students leaving school, the dark haired boy sighed into the phone. "What about you? How's today been, not at school?"

"Boring," Jisung mumbled under his breath as if he were purposely trying not to be loud while on the phone. "I'd rather be there." Pausing just like Minho had done a few seconds ago, Jisung fixed his position on his bed so he was more comfortable and away from the world's view. "I miss you."

Although Minho had somewhat struggled to hear Jisung from how quiet he was being, and also because of the amount of people around him, he could clearly make sense of the words told to him from the other line.

A light blush had crept its way up his cheeks almost instantly, but he tried his best at ignoring it; hoping others weren't looking at him long enough to notice. "I miss you too," he smiled, finding that small boost of confidence he was handed from Jisung's own words. "My day would've been better with you in it."

Freezing, Jisung's cheeks also heated up but he blamed himself for initiating the I miss you conversation. "...I have a question," he then said, biting his bottom lip out of habit. Hearing Minho's small hum to continue, he did just that. "Do you think I'm shy?"

Minho puckered his lips a bit in thought, before nodding, although Jisung, again, couldn't see him "I'd say so. Do you think you're shy?"

The older male had gotten a decent ways away from school in the short amount of time he's been on the phone; yet he still wasn't anywhere near his house. He had time to kill; and being given the opportunity of using it up with the one person that's been on his mind for weeks on end was a win in itself.

"I'm only shy around you," the blonde muttered in complete honesty, not even trying to cover the facts any more than he already had.

Minho stuffed his free hand into the pocket of his jeans, before chuckling softly. "And why is that?"

"It's not everyday I find myself in the presence of someone as handsome as yourself." Even though Jisung seemed confident over the phone, Minho had a gut feeling the boy was a blushing, embarrassed mess in person; mainly because he would've been too.

"That was pretty bold, Han Jisung," Minho teased, an even bigger smile finding its way to his lips.

"Was it?" the blonde innocently replied, seeing no harm in his words. He was about to speak up again, but hearing a knock come from the other side of his door sent him into slight panic mode; causing him to hang up without a proper goodbye.

Minho furrowed his eyebrows down at his phone, silently questioning what had just happened, before quickly texting Jisung. When his curiosity was sent, his put his phone back into the front pocket of his jeans, before finally focusing on the path to his house.

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