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March 22, 2019


Don't be sorry. If I were being honest, I like writing these letters more than texting too. Retro-ish vibes, if that even makes sense.

Anyway, I actually was in the auditorium earlier, but there were too many people. I was also just too focused on learning the choreography to Renegade. Totally my fault, yeah?

I think it'd be cool if I got the chance to hear your voice or something, too. Gives me another hint as to who you are, although you're not so sure about revealing anything yet.

And thanks for the compliment. I've weirdly felt insecure about people watching me dance, yet I do it every single day so I don't know how the 'whatever' bug hasn't caught onto me yet. If you want to learn a few basic moves, I can always teach you. Maybe some day in the near or far future, you'll be dancing better than I ever could've.

It's not like I'll judge you if you do manage to find the courage to talk to me. I'm on the opposite side of that square, you know? The inside is a completely different thing when compared to the outside. Just look for a theater kid with chestnut colored hair. It's a very vague description, but there really aren't a ton of kids in my class with my hair color.

Anyway, I hope to "hear" from you soon.

Signed, L.M.

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