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To say that Jisung was happy was an understatement. He was wrapped up underneath a blanket, head leaning on Minhos chest as the elder played with his hair gently. They had set up a pillow fort in Minhos living room, and it was surprisingly stable enough for them to drape fairy lights within it, and set up their makeshift bed that they were currently laying on.

A movie was playing, volume lowered down to a soft hum as both boys were more focused on each other than the film before them.

Jisung felt ecstatic, happiness filling him to the brim as he lay in the elders presence. Ever since Minho had asked him, Han Jisung, to be his boyfriend, they hadn't been able to keep their hands to themselves.

Whether it was a harmless peck, a reassuring hand hold, or something even more intimate, neither boy could get enough of the other. Minho pressed a gentle kiss to the youngers temple, drawing imaginary shapes on his back with his other hand.

"Are you comfortable?" Minho asked gently, smiling slightly when the blonde responded with a sleepy nod. He thought that Jisung looked absolutely adorable like that, hair messed up and his eyes drooped from sleepiness. The boy showed no signs of embarrassment as he buried his face in the crook of Minhos neck, boldly peppering kisses against the soft skin.

"That tickles," Minho mumbled, continuing to stroke Jisungs hair gently; his other hand now underneath his shirt and sweatshirt, running his fingers up and down the blondes spine in a soothing manner.

Jisung only hummed in response, lips still pressed against Minhos skin gently. He could smell the other boys cologne, and that mixed with the comforting body heat radiating from Minho and the circles he was now drawing on his back made Jisung so overwhelmingly sleepy.

Minho slowly moved his focus towards the movie on screen. He raked his fingers through the short blonde strands of hair on the back of the boy's head; not even realizing that Jisung was already teetering on the edge of sleep. "Hey," he mumbled, gently pressing his lips to the crown of the blonde's head. "You can't sleep. I'll be lonely." He used both his thumb and pointer finger to softly take hold of the boy's chin, turning his head so he was at least looking at him again. He placed another mellow kiss to the boy's cheek, before moving down to his lips. It had only lasted a quick second, yet it allowed for Jisung to wake himself up a bit more.

"Then go to sleep too," Jisung faintly whined, shutting his eyes again in hopes that Minho would get the memo.

"But I'm not tired," the chestnut haired boy easily replied, the warmth of his fingers on Jisung's skin sending subtle bolts of electricity through his body.

As Jisung continued to ignore his gentle pleas of staying awake, Minho slowly removed his hand out from under the blonde's shirt, before gently turning the both of them over so he was hovering over the boy in the very slightest. He wasn't really fond of leaning his entire body weight against the blonde's frame, so he used his elbows to keep him stabilized.

"I want to sleep," Jisung feebly muttered, turning his head to the side so he wouldn't have to look at Minho if he ever made the decision of opening his eyes. Although it was kind of inevitable, he didn't want to blush harshly at all.

Leaning down, Minho pressed a kiss to the blonde's cheek, before dragging his lips down towards his jawbone. "I already said I'd be lonely, though," he mumbled in between kisses, slowly scaling up until his lips were stationed a bit below the blonde's ear; before gently trailing them down the skin on his neck.

Jisung slightly squirmed under him, already feeling a wave of heat making course towards to his face. "M-Minho," he stuttered, grabbing the fabric of the boy's shirt in his fists as a way to bring him even closer.

"Stay still, baby," he mumbled against Jisung's skin, hooking his finger over the boy's hoodie to pull it down slightly. Minho pressed yet another kiss to the base of his boyfriend's neck, before moving his lips to the exposed collarbone.

Jisung's breath had immediately hitched when he felt the elder boy's lips come into contact with his skin again. Minho was quick to take notice of that, he decided to stay in the specific spot for a bit. The blonde had also reacted to Minho's observation; bringing a hand up to course through his chestnut colored locks in return.

The younger quietly groaned, tugging on Minho's hair slightly. When he heard the sound leave his own mouth, his face had gone crimson; embarrassment for having absolutely no self control so clearly obvious. Thankfully, the elder was too focused to acknowledge his embarrassment.

Noticing that he had already created a mark just above the blonde's collarbone, Minho smirked against Jisung's skin; moving his head up to place a final kiss against the boy's lips, before moving away entirely.

"Awake now?" he smiled, staring at how flustered Jisung now was. He had only recieved a quick nod in reply, but it was enough of an answer. Minho gently tugged his boyfriend's hoodie up to cover the mark left behind, before falling down on the bed beside the boy with an everlasting smile.

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