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The walk from school back to Minhos house was filled with a comfortable silence, both boys simply enjoying the feeling of the others company as they intertwined their hands.

The older boy gently smiled in total content as he unlocked the door and was quickly greeted with an empty house. His mom worked from morning, to around dinner time, so it was normal for him to find the house bare of any other human contact after school.

"Want anything to eat?" he questioned, taking his shoes off before waiting for Jisung to do the same. The blonde only shook his head in reply, before walking up to Minho's bedroom.

"You sure?" Minho again voiced, calling up the flight of stairs towards the boy. The younger sent him a smile of reassurance; his feet stopping in the last step so he could wait.

Silently following his boyfriend, Minho shrugged as if saying alright. If he wasn't hungry, then he wasn't hungry. He was also perfectly capable of getting food if he wanted it, so verbally stepping back, the older boy continued down the hall towards his room.

Jisung had quickly collapsed onto the bed, simply tired of walking practically the entire day. Although Minho wanted to do the exact same and just sleep, he had plans; those in which involved being awake.

Sitting on the edge of the bed next to the blonde, who had weirdly kept his eyes open rather than closed, Minho gently placed his hand on the boy's thigh in hopes of gaining his attention. It had little effect, so he moved his hand to the boy's waist, poking the skin that had managed to peek out from his shirt which had risen up.

Jisung quickly pushed his hand away, before turning onto his back so he could look at the boy pulling him from the clouds. "What?" he questioned, his eyes narrowing in the slightest at the face Minho was making. It was one of mischief; a look that told a story of happiness with hints of playfulness in the stars.

"I want to take you on a date," the chestnut haired boy said, a crooked smile planting itself on his lips. He knew Jisung had been overly stressed lately, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't just as tense, so a small date night seemed like an on-top-of-the-world getaway from their problems for a bit.

The skepticism immediately slipping from his features, Jisung rose his eyebrows, a smug smile replacing the once subtle frown. "Where to?" he mumbled, using his elbows to prop him up more, rather than wasting energy by fully sitting up. The smile only grew as he watched the boy tilt his head; the thought of leaving the house for something other than school seeming like a dream.

"That's for you to find out," Minho shrugged, the mask of an innocent smile hiding the plans he kept behind it. He knew the boy loved music, although it wasn't often that he showed it. He also knew that the boy would've been grateful for even the smallest of dates; whether it be at home, or even the park, yet he couldn't help but want to make the blonde feel as cared for as he deserved.

Mumbling under his breath, Jisung lied back down, a rosy hue tinting his cheeks as if it were a natural habit his body did whenever it wanted.

Rolling over so his arms were were near the younger's ears, Minho smiled, staring down at the blush adorning Jisung's cheeks. It wasn't every single day he got to see the boy shy due to his growing confidence, yet when he did, it only caused his stomach to melt into a puddle of joy. The softer, more quiet side of the blonde was a side he never could get enough of.

Making sure his elbows were steady enough to keep him from falling, he gently started peppering kisses on both cheeks; moving from them to his forehead, nose, then finally his lips. "You deserve to be happy," he quietly stated, before silencing himself with another kiss to the boy's skin. He truly wanted the boy below him to understand the fact that he was loved and deserved to be just that. The blonde deserved so much more, yet it was the little steps that got them both further from the start line.

Jisung reacted to sudden affection by bringing his hands up to the boy's hair. He could only assume Minho loved the feeling of his hair being played with just as much as he did, so he took a chance at coursing his fingers through the strands of light brown; gently tugging here and there for more of an effect.

Rather than trailing his lips across the boy's jaw like he had previously done, Minho went straight down to the blonde's neck; stopping just before he touched the skin. A smile had, again, found it's way to his lips as he waited for Jisung's reaction. It wasn't verbal, but rather more physical as the blonde plainly arched his back very slightly to close the short distance between them.

Things took off from there, Minhos lips developing minds of their own as his only focus became the boy before him and both of their needs. Jisungs fists grabbing hold of Minho shirt gradually tighter was a sign that he was just as into it as the elder was, and that was all he needed.

Trailing back up to Jisungs lips, their kiss was interrupted by a few gentle, self conscious smiles and soft sounds emitted from the blondes mouth. Feeling a sudden new burst of confidence, Minho took it upon himself to paint his own picture upon Jisungs skin, his neck becoming his canvas as it erupted and blossomed in shades of blue and purple; a reminder to them both that they belonged to each other, and each other only.

The younger boys heart rate sped up as the feeling of his boyfriends lips against his skin filled his every being, his breath being taken away by the jolts of electricity that Minho gave him each time they touched. Jisungs fingers threaded through the elders strands of hair, a light tug sending a slight chill down the elders spine as his body went into autopilot.

It was getting too hot, clothing becoming a forgotten concept as Minho lost himself in their movement, euphoria and pure bliss overwhelming both of their senses as space became nonexistent between them both.

VIVA LA VIDA ━ MINSUNG ✓Where stories live. Discover now