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March 20, 2019


Music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. My older brother passed away when I was younger and he left me his guitar, so I've been meaning to learn it. We'll get there eventually :3

I mostly like to rap the songs I write because singing makes me emotional for no reason LOL. Sometimes I think they're over the top. I record them, but they're just something I keep to myself. It's like therapy for me, ya know?

Can I be honest about something?

I never really share this type of stuff with people, so it's new for me to be sharing it with a complete stranger...

But I have this weird feeling that I can trust you - is that strange? Maybe ^^

I think that it's really cool that you dance. I can't for the life of me, but I'd love to learn someday just to say that I can. Might I come to one of the after school practices just to see you... even if I'm not sure as to who you are. I'll be cheering on your spirit XD

This marks only my 3rd letter, but already I feel some sort of instant connection. IDK!!! Our letters are the best part of my week :3

It sucks that we can't talk in a quicker way though...

Sincerely, H.J

p.s. (xxx)-(xxx)-(xxxx) :)

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