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Playing with Jisung's fingers a few hours after being wrapped in blankets, Minho frowned. "Why didn't you say anything about your hands?" he mumbled, staring at how both the blonde's palms were scarred from earlier.

"I didn't want to worry you," Jisung quietly told, wanting nothing more than to pull his hands away and hide them. They still hurt, and they had only reminded him of what that day brought.

"I'll always worry about you because I love you," Minho said, his eyes narrowing at the cuts as if inspecting them for anything other than blood itself. "Now get up," he gently smiled, although it still couldn't reach the apples of his cheeks.

Not wanting to argue with his words, Jisung pulled himself from the blankets, with the help of Minho's tender touch. He knew cleaning them now would be a lot better than not at all, so he walked to the bathroom, reminding himself to stay rather close behind the elder.

Helping the boy up onto the counter, Minho quickly shifted through cupboards in search of a healing cream and bandages. "This might sting," he muttered, reading a small bottle, while simultaneously grabbing a few bandages.

Jisung nodded, not really expecting it to be painless anyway. He placed the back of his hands on his thighs with a pout, waiting for Minho to ready everything.

Sucking in a sharp breath as the liquid had poured into the small cuts on his skin, the blonde fought back a wimpy cry as soon as Minho placed his lips on his to both quiet and calm him.

"Almost done," Minho said, pulling back as he placed a hand towel against Jisung's left palm, before quickly moving to the right. He could see a small tear slip from the blonde's eye, so he hurriedly put another hand towel onto his other palm, before quickly wiping the tear away with his thumb. "You'll be okay."

Nodding, Jisung rapidly blinked to get rid of his other tears, before watching as Minho unwrapped the bandages and placed them on his hand. The pressure of the coverage had also stung a bit, but it wasn't nearly as much pain as he had expected.

"See?" the dark haired boy gently questioned, showing Jisung a rather decent wrapping. His cuts were finally cleaned and covered. Pulling both of the blonde's hands to his lips, Minho kissed them as a way of silently saying he'd be better soon. It was also a way of comforting him, because even if he hadn't shown it then, Minho knew he was still in pain.

"What do you say to some movies?" Minho questioned gently, slowly pulling his lips away from the youngers hands. He wanted to do whatever he could to make sure Jisung felt at least semi-content, and the elder hoped that maybe distracting him with some movies could do the trick- even for a little while.

Jisung nodded slightly, sniffling a few times before slowly dragging his gaze up to the boy in front of him. He questioned, not for the first time, how he ended up so lucky. Minho was the epitome of perfection in his eyes, and said boy could even say the same about Jisung- although he wouldn't have believed him.

Gently pressing his lips to Jisungs cheek, Minho motioned for the blonde to follow, standing up fully and opening the bathroom door. The boy slowly made his way off of the counter, following his boyfriend out and back to the bedroom.

"Choose whatever movie you'd like, angel," Minho mumbled softly, pulling Netflix up on his computer.

Jisung climbed onto the bed next to him, careful not to put too much pressure onto his aching palms. "I-I don't care, we can watch whatever you want," he murmured, rubbing his exhaustion out of his eyes the best he could.

Minho hummed in thought, scrolling through the different choices. "We could watch Up?"

Only nodding sleepily, Jisung buried himself deep within the covers that Minhos bed possessed, finding comfort from the heat surrounding him. Feeling particularly clingy, Jisung pulled Minho under with him, tangling their legs together and resting his head on his chest.

Minho couldn't help the feeling of warmth spreading through his chest, finding the amount of attention that Jisung craved absolutely adorable. Setting the movie up on some pillows, the elder pressed a gentle kiss to Jisungs temple before beginning to play with strands of hair.

Intertwining their fingers, Minho noted the way that Jisung held onto his hand a little tighter than usual, and he responded with a gentle squeeze of reassurance.

VIVA LA VIDA ━ MINSUNG ✓Where stories live. Discover now