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The feeling of Minhos arms wrapped around Jisungs small frame made the boy feel both light-headed and on top of the world.

The chestnut haired boy hadn't wanted Jisung to leave, and the younger boy didn't feel any different. He didn't want to go home and face the wrath of his parents, especially not after he'd snuck out past curfew. He felt comfortable in the boys company, Minhos body heat embracing the blonde like a safe blanket of sorts.

"What are you thinking about?" the elder boy asked gently, looking down at the smaller boy who was snuggled into his chest. They hadn't moved since the night before after falling asleep in one anothers company, and neither of them had any intentions of getting up any time soon.

Shaking his head shyly, Jisung only buried his face deeper into the elder boys chest. He could feel his own heartbeat begin to speed up, nearly beating in synch with the other boys heartbeat as well.

Reaching for his phone that was left uncharged on the table beside his bed, Minho pulled up YouTube, before gently running his free hand through the blonde's hair to get him to look up. "What do you want to watch?" the elder mumbled, scrolling through the videos he was recommended.

"Just put on a Buzzfeed video or something," Jisung quietly voiced, before letting his head slowly fall back down to its original position.

Minho only hummed in response as he typed the channel name into the search bar. Waiting for the most recent videos to load, he rested his wrist against his side so he wouldn't get tired of holding it in a quick minute, before finally pulling up the first video he saw. Jisung stared plainly at the phone's screen, slightly more focused on the feeling of Minho twirling small locks of his hair in between his fingers.

Not even five minutes into their first YouTube video, Minho's focus was growing less on the phone itself, and more on the boy in his arms. He almost wanted to believe it was impossible to not get distracted so easily by the boy, because it was simply too difficult; the younger male like a drug he couldn't get enough of.

Jisung had now diverted his full attention towards the device and video playing, unbeknownst to Minho's staring. He was captivated by the people on screen too much to even pay the elder a glance. Although, Minho wasn't upset about it. If it were possible, he'd stare at the boy all day long without his knowledge, simply because he was there, in the flesh, as beautiful as he truly was.

Minho subtly leaned down, trying not to make sharp movements in hopes that Jisung would just ignore him. He didn't want his plans ruined before they had even been set into action. He quickly looked up, a knowing smile planted to his features, before pressing his lips against the blonde's cheek, slightly brushing the corner of his mouth.

Jisung's eyes widened, his face immediately turning a deep shade of crimson, as he turned away from the phone and towards the boy. Their faces were closer than they had been before, and noting that, the both of their hearts sped up to unnatural paces.

Minho's gaze had quickly moved to the boy's lips on purpose, and the blonde took notice of that, but he never made the decision to move away. In fact, he moved closer; simply following Minho's lead of confidence. He could feel the elder's breath against his lips and the way his heart pounded against his own chest. He wanted so badly to close the gap between the two, but the ringing of his phone in the back pocket of his jeans startled him out of his thoughts.

Groaning, he quickly moved away from the dark haired boy, before grabbing his phone and swiping the accept button.

Gently bringing the phone to his ear, he glanced at Minho, before turning away. "...Hello?" he mumbled, automatically flinching when the silence was replaced with loud yelling.

"Where are you?" his mom angrily shouted, causing the blonde to practically pull the phone away for a short second.

"I'm with a friend, mom," he muttered, his once confidence and happy tones easily slipping away as if they never were really there in the first place. His entire demeanor was washed over in sadness as soon as he picked up the phone, and Minho could see it. "What do you need?"

"I need you to give me fifteen dollars," she hastily said, another sound clear as day heard well over the phone.

"For what?" Jisung breathed, his annoyance slightly growing. It was times like these in which he truly couldn't believe he was brought into the world by such unruly people. He knew asking that question would only get the woman more fired up, but it slipped from his tongue as quickly as he had thought of saying it.

"...You know what, just give me the money so I can hand it to my dealer," she scoffed, waiting for Jisung to say yes because she wasn't expecting no to begin with.

Furrowing his eyebrows in total shock, Minho wanted to say something, but ultimately decided to keep his mouth shut. What the fuck?

Getting off the bed entirely, Minho walked around to the edge Jisung was sat on, before sitting beside him; bringing a hand up to the boy's hair once again in a form of comfort. He hated the fact that the younger had to go through that. All the times he missed school, or had shown up with bruises started to make sense in his brain; and although he was far from certain, he had a sad feeling in the bottom of his heart that the reason Jisung was hurting was all his parents' doings.

"Check my bedside drawer," Jisung replied in a monotone voice, before quickly hanging up so his mom wouldn't do any more damage than she had already done in the past sixteen years he's been alive.

Looking to the side and seeing the look on Minho's face, Jisung shook his head, before nodding to the spot they had lied down on on the bed. "Don't tell anyone."

Minho had no idea what to say, so his simply just crawled back to their previous spots, before gently opening his arms to embrace the boy once again.

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