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The warmth surrounding Jisung was comforting, to say the least, and the soft rise and fall of Minhos chest was relaxing to the younger beyond belief. As much as he would have liked to lay there in his arms all day, the blonde was beginning to become more and more restless, shifting positions every few moments to get more comfortable only to move right back to his previous spot.

"Why are you moving so much, baby?" Minho mumbled groggily, wrapping his arms around Jisungs waist a bit tighter.

Feeling bad that he'd woken his boyfriend up from his peaceful slumber, Jisung felt a sudden rush of overwhelming guilt come over him. "I couldn't sleep.. I'm sorry.."

The elder slowly opened his eyes, smiling gently at Jisung as soon as their eyes met.

"Do you want a shower?" Minho suggested, drawing small shapes up and down the boys arms thoughtfully. Showers personally always made him feel better, never failing to make Minho feel much more relaxed.

Jisung hesitated slightly, meeting his gaze with the elders. "Like.. together?" He felt waves of heat rushing to his cheeks, the thought of seeing Minho like that and vise versa both terrified and intrigued him.

"Only if you're comfortable with it," Minho added quickly, feeling his own face heating up once the idea was suggested out loud. "It's just.. I thought that with your hands and all that maybe you'd want some help.."

Jisung tossed the idea around in his brain, still feeling slightly flustered and overall in shock. "Sure," he mumbled, staring anywhere else but at Minho himself. His face was burning, but he really couldn't do anything for himself now that his hands were wrapped. Not only that, but a shower in itself sounded decent, so having the elder male help caused his heart to speed up in pace even more.

"Alright.." Minho muttered, slightly shocked that the blonde would even agree to his question. He was expecting a very vivid and rushed no, but he got the complete opposite instead.

Standing up, he scratched the back of his neck out of nervous habit, before helping Jisung up too. The blonde wasn't physically crippled; he could walk just fine on his own, yet Minho couldn't help but feel the need to help with most things, just to get him back to where he was before.

The walk from Minhos bedroom to the bathroom was silent, both boys feeling their hearts pounding against their chests. There was something almost too intimate about seeing each other in that state, but neither of them were too nervous to the point of backing out entirely.

The chestnut haired boy gently turned the water on, allowing for more heat to pour from the faucet than cold. He personally loved showers on the warmer side, yet didn't know about Jisung. "Is this fine?" he sheepishly questioned, walking the blonde over to the faucet so he could feel the temperature of the water with his foot rather than bandaged hands.

Jisung only nodded, his cheeks still burning. He quickly walked away from the bathtub while simultaneously wiping his foot on the rug; watching as Minho finally turned the handle which allowed for the water to pour from the shower head.

Looking at Jisung, Minho gave him a nervous, yet somehow reassuring smile. He gently grabbed the hem of the blonde's shirt to help him pull it off, but paused before doing so to see if he showed any sign of refusal. When it was obvious there wasn't any, he quickly pulled Jisung's shirt over his head; his eyes immediately picking up on the older and even newer bruises on his body.

Minho wanted to frown and say something, but he didn't, because he really didn't want Jisung to feel any more self conscious about himself than he already did. He wanted to tell the boy how beautiful he was, because his bruises were only a marking that said the past was real, yet he was strong enough to fight through it.

Not wanting to stare for too much longer so that the younger wouldn't become uncomfortable, Minho gently tugged down on the waistband of Jisungs pants, noting how increasingly fidgety the blonde was becoming. Picking the boy up wasn't too much of a problem, Minho placing him onto the sink counter to pull his pants down all the way. He continued to watch Jisungs facial expressions, searching for any signs of discomfort within his eyes, only to be met with the usual adorable blush that adorned his cheeks.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable from the coldness of the counter against the skin of his thighs, Jisung let out a quiet whine, shifting slightly to allow himself less contact with the cold surface.

Finally getting the youngers pants completely off, Minho pressed a gentle kiss to Jisungs temple once he noticed his boyfriends obvious discomfort with where he was seated.

"Almost done," the elder promised, moving to quickly remove his own shirt so he'd have less time to feel embarrassed about being shirtless in front of the boy.

Jisungs eyes took in Minhos figure, feeling slightly self conscious when comparing his own body to his boyfriends; at least Minho wasn't covered in marks. In his eyes, no matter how much his boyfriend could tell him otherwise, he was disgusting; just like his parents had told him on countless occasions.

Minho slid off his own pants with ease, making eye contact with the younger as he performed the action. Receiving a flustered smile in response, the chestnut haired boy relished in the effect he had on Jisung for a few moments.

Both boys knew what was next, competing in a silent stare down as they both could feel their hearts pounding against their chest.

"You're sure?" Minho mumbled, not wanting Jisung to feel uncomfortable with anything they were doing; he just wanted him to be happy.

The blonde reluctantly nodded, knowing that they were bound to end up in that situation sooner or later, and it was better in his opinion to just get it done and over with.

Gently pressing his lips to the youngers, Minho helped Jisung slide off his boxers before taking off his own. Jisungs cheeks adorned an even more intense blush than usual, his ears joining in as his entire face became flustered with him.

The elder helped his boyfriend into the shower, both of them noting their proximity within the smaller shower.

Jisung felt more ashamed than embarrassed by his scars and bruises, shyly trying to cover himself as Minho helped him to lather his hair in shampoo.

The elder obviously didn't approve of these actions, gently moving Jisungs hands down and resting his own hands onto the youngers waist, Jisung immediately feeling a jolt of electricity from the contact.

"Don't cover yourself, baby," Minho murmured, peppering kisses all over the blondes face. "You're beautiful.. scars just show how strong you are because you overcame the pain that came with them."

Jisung didn't think he'd ever get used to pampering like this, Minhos soft spoken words and gentle touch felt almost intoxicating. No matter how many times he experienced it, the general high he got off of it was something he had never experienced before meeting the boy, and each time he was left a blushing, giggling mess.

Minho helped the younger to shower, washing his hair and body for him; even though Jisung was sure if he really tried he could do it without help. Minho himself was aware of that fact, yet neither of them were complaining about their current situation.

After a few stolen kisses, gentle touches and soft laughs, Minho turned off the shower and stepped out first, just so he could assist the younger in exiting the shower afterwards. Grabbing the softest towel he could find, he wrapped it around Jisung firmly, smothering his face in kisses after doing so.

Telling himself he'd do laundry later anyway, Minho grabbed a second towel and tossed it onto Jisung's head, before wrapping his own body in one. He smiled once done, reaching up to dry the blonde's hair quickly for him.

The younger let out a breathy laugh, and for the first time in what felt like years, seemed genuinely happy. Although it wasn't supposed to last, Minho basked in the fact that Jisung was smiling; loving that look on him the best.

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