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Minhos hand in his felt so right, so right to the point that it confused the younger greatly, but he didn't want to let go.

Their handshake was brief, however Minho held onto Jisungs hand a bit longer than someone usually would; not that the oblivious blonde had noticed.

The ice on his eye slightly burned his skin to the touch, but it was also slightly soothing to have the chilled ice pack against his swollen skin, and he knew that it would benefit him in the long run.

Minho eventually ended up putting on a movie, some old sci-fi film that neither of them really payed any attention to. Jisung was lost in his thoughts, still feeling a bit dazed in the elders presence. It was like his mind hadn't fully caught up with his body yet, and a part of him was still trapped at home; traumatized and frozen with paralyzing fear.

"Jisung," Minho said softly, his gentle voice sending a wave of warmth over him. He liked the way that the elder said his name, but he didn't want to focus on that part of himself, especially not in that moment.

"Hm?" Jisung looked towards him, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly. Being around Minho brought out the shyer side of him, the louder, carefree side momentarily being tucked away.

"Are you even paying attention?" the dark haired boy inquired, offering Jisung the smallest of smiles.

Feeling his face heat up even more— how embarrassing — the boy nodded quickly, causing Minho to let out a small laugh that sent Jisungs heart into a frenzy.

God, his smile makes me stupid.

Nodding more in complete embarrassment, Jisung kept his mouth shut instead of answering with words. His cheeks were overly warm; to the point in which he could almost feel the blood rushing under his skin. His hands were shaking just a little bit; practically the most major 'side effect' to his discomfort.

"Doesn't seem like it," Minho noted, turning his attention fully onto the blonde. His eyes narrowed in question as he watched Jisung's small acts of uneasiness. "Is it your leg?" he then asked, moving his gaze from the boys', down to the leg he was seen limping on.

Jisung only shrugged, genuinely not up for talking at that moment. He kept his head facing the ground, but eyed Minho from the side as the elder got up and sat on the coffee table in front of them. "Can I?" he questioned, pointing with a single finger down to Jisung's leg.

Looking down at his own hurting limb for a split second, Jisung looked back up as a shade of red tinted his cheeks all over again. Although a bit reluctant, he nodded a second time.

Once recieving permission, Minho gently grabbed Jisung's leg and placed it on his knee, just so it was higher up and in better view than if he had set it on the table. He gripped the cuff of the blonde's jeans, but before pulling them up, he glanced at the boy to see if there was any more sort of added discomfort in his eyes; yet all Jisung was doing was staring at Minho, that same red tint coloring his cheeks.

"Sorry," Minho mumbled for no real reason, before focusing himself back on the younger boy's leg. He pulled Jisung's pant leg up as much as it would go for skinny jeans, exposing just below the knee. There were only two medium sized scrapes, now covered in dried blood, on the outside; but he really couldn't estimate the amount of damage that was on the inside.

"What'd you do?" Minho cautiously asked, furrowing his eyebrows at the boy's leg. It truly did look painful to him, but he was known for being a bit overdramatic.

"Nothing," Jisung replied weakly, just like he had done when he first arrived. Minho understood the fact that he didn't want to talk about what was going on, but he found it slightly difficult to help when he didn't even know where he was starting from.

"Alright, alright," Minho gently repeated, trying to calm Jisung down. The boy was clearly getting more fidgety and nervous after being asked that question in specific, so instead of sending his curiosity out into the open, Minho stood up, while simultaneously placing Jisung's leg on the coffee table. "I'll be right back, again."

Speed-walking his way to the bathroom, Minho opened up the cupboards in search of large-ish bandages and some sort of healing cream. It took him a while to move around all the medicine and boxes, but when finally spotting what he needed, he closed the cupboards and turned the bathroom light off before making his way out into the living room.

He could hear quiet sniffles coming from the only other person in the room, so when he walked around the couch to where he was standing in front of Jisung again, he could see the blonde wiping his eyes and nose with the back of his hands. "Hey, what's wrong?" he sadly mumbled, placing the box of bandaids and healing cream down on the table before sitting beside the boy.

"Nothing," Jisung firmly stated, wiping his cheeks of any stray tear he hadn't gotten rid of before. That seemed to be his favorite word, because that's all he ever remembered himself saying once getting to Minho's house.

"It's obviously something," Minho noted honestly, his voice slightly above his normal mumble. "Tears don't belong on a face like yours." Reaching up, the elder wiped a tear from the corner of Jisung's eye, one he had managed to miss, with his thumb. The boy flinched ever so slightly, but was quick to find his composure again. He couldn't even count the times his cheeks turned red from simply being in the dark haired boy's presence, yet he added just then to the ongoing list.

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