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The journey from Jisungs house to L.Ms felt much longer than it actually was for a number of reasons.

Firstly, he was struggling to keep his swollen eye open, the cold air outside irritating it even more as he rode his bike faster. Secondly, he'd jumped out of his bedroom window just to leave the house—originally aiming for his nearby tree but failing miserably, resulting in him landing rather harshly on his ankle.

The bike was old and rusted, the brakes not fully operational but they did their job for the most part. It was only when L.Ms house came into view that it really settled with Jisung as to what on earth he was doing.

Before, he'd been running on pure exhaustion and desperation, eager to be anywhere other than inside his house. Now, stopping his bike in the elder boys driveway, the reality of the situation was beginning to set in.

Swallowing his anxiety, he quickly put down the kickstand and walked up to the door to the best of his abilities, knocking once.. twice.. and again.

The door swung open after a few moments, Jisung feeling momentarily winded as he realized that he was now face to face with L.M, the boy he'd been sharing a portion of his life with. He was there, in the flesh, and that made Jisung feel slightly light headed.

Noting how exhausted, both physically and maybe even mentally, the boy looked, Minho quickly moved out of the way, motioning with his hand for H.J to come in.

"What happened?" the elder quietly questioned, closing the door behind both him and H.J, before walking in front of the boy. As soon as he had opened the door, he could see the boy's swollen eye, as well as his bent leg so he he wouldn't put any of his weight onto it. In total, he looked completely broken down.

"Nothing," Jisung mumbled, avoiding any chance of eye contact with the elder, even though he was the one that asked to see him. Minho didn't even know his name, nor the other way around, yet he felt weirdly comfortable in the boy's presence.

Nodding his head, Minho decided not to press forward; instead, motioning with his hand for the younger boy to follow. He led him slowly to the living room; seeing no point in rushing.

"I'll be right back," he said, showing Jisung the way to the couch, even though the boy could see where it was perfectly fine.

Leaving to the kitchen, Minho immediately found an unused ice pack somewhere in the freezer, before locating a small hand towel to cover it with. The boy's eye hadn't looked good, at all, nor did his leg, so the elder couldn't help but think that the ice would somehow work wonders they didn't believe in.

"Here," he uttered, handing the boy the wrapped ice pack. Sitting down next to him, Minho leaned against the back of the couch, staring at how H.J had slowly moved the chilled pack to his eye in hopes of any pain relief.

Looking at the elder with one eye, Jisung nodded, before looking away again. "Thank you."

A thin silence had covered the both of them soon after his words. Minho was still watching the boy's small movements, yet H.J didn't seem to have any reason nor want to look back at him.

"Minho," the elder spoke up, waiting for the other boy's reaction. He wasn't expecting fireworks to go off behind them, but he was hoping for more than a shrug of acknowledgement.

"What?" the blonde wondered aloud, finally giving up in his timid facade as he faced the boy.

"My name's Minho," the dark haired boy repeated; this time clarifying the fact that it was his name, and not just a name he blurted out for the fun of it. "Lee Minho. That's why I always signed my letters with both an 'L' and an 'M'."

Connecting the dots, the blondes cheeks heated up because he finally knew the name of the boy he'd talked to for a while.

"...Jisung," he paused, also waiting for Minho's reaction. When the boy only nodded, Jisung added to it. "Han Jisung."

Giving the boy the smallest of smiles, Minho stretched his hand out towards the other. "It's nice to meet you, Han Jisung."

VIVA LA VIDA ━ MINSUNG ✓Where stories live. Discover now