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The clocks had struck midnight as quickly as the sun had set hours ago. After their shared shower, along with laughter of total content, Minho handed Jisung a pair of his sweatpants and a hoodie to change into. The clothes were a bit bigger on the blonde, yet they looked good on him at the same time.

Minho was currently sat at his desk, hoping to finish some homework he couldn't work through earlier, but his plans were practically cut short when he heard nearly silent sniffles coming from the other side of his room. Looking over his shoulder, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at Jisung's figure as he slowly moved under the blankets.

"Hey," Minho gently mumbled, immediately standing up so he could walk over to the blonde and see what was happening. "What's wrong?" he quickly added, a mixture of sadness and curiousity burrowed inside his words.

Moving the blankets away from Jisung's face, his heart broke when he saw fresh tears sliding down his cheeks. Kneeling down, Minho found the blonde's hand under the blanket and tugged on it; a silent way of asking him to sit up. "Sit up, baby," he subtly pleaded, not wanting his voice to sound nor seem too frightening. "Sitting up's a really good start."

Jisung didn't want to sit up and face the world around him, yet he forced himself to do so for the sake of getting at least a bit of help from Minho. He tried fixing his hair so it covered his eyes, yet the elder boy only pushed his hands away.

"What's wrong?" he again tried, hoping that the boy would just talk to him. He didn't want to be pushy at all, yet he truly didn't know how to help in ways that weren't just hugging.

Silent, Jisung lowered his head, as if he couldn't even bear to see himself next to someone so deserving of better things than himself. "I don't know," he truthfully mumbled, the break in his voice almost inaudible; yet Minho caught it.

Gently grasping the blonde's chin between his thumb and pointer finger, Minho made the boy look him in the eye before talking. "Your life's not simple, Jisung, and you can't stop it from showing because you're no fake," he muttered, his head starting to spin as a bigger tear slid down his boyfriend's cheek. "Don't hide yourself when you need help. I'm here for a reason, right? I love you, and you deserve to love yourself one day too."

Pulling Jisung into a hug, Minho maneuvered so he was also completely on the bed; his homework now forgotten as the blonde next to him was far more important.

Jisung, though, couldn't stop mentally scolding himself for being a distraction to the dark haired boy. Although Minho had just initiated their embrace, the blonde pulled away entirely and stood up. He placed a gentle, sorrowful kiss to the boy's lips, before mumbling something about going to the kitchen to get water.

Allowing his gaze to follow Jisung's retreating figure, Minho curiously furrowed his eyebrows, before relaxing his shoulder against the bed. They had been hurting ever since sitting at his desk to do homework, and although he was somewhat productive, it wasn't worth the muscle pain to him.

As quickly as he had lied down, his eyes shut as if they were holding world on them, before sleep started to grab hold of him. It was easy for him to tune the rest of the world out and focus on just how tired he was without realizing it before.

He was so close to slipping from the rope of actually being awake, but a rather loud crash from downstairs startled him; a flinch running through his body quickly. He silently cursed to himself, shooting up because he knew it had something to do with Jisung. The blonde hadn't even been downstairs for two minutes, yet he'd managed to mistakenly break something in a second.

Turning the corner as soon as his feet landed on the floor below the last step, Minho jogged to the kitchen; somehow trying to quiet his footsteps because his mom's room was on the first floor.

Peeking into the kitchen, he quickly took notice of the way Jisung's back was against the refrigerator, a small bottle in hand. A cup sat broken at his feet, yet it didn't seem to bother him in the slightest. His full attention was on the alcohol he'd managed to find. There were tears threatening to fall from the corners of his eyes, yet each time he took a sip, he wiped them away with the back of his hand as if they weren't important or didn't symbolize his pain.

"J-Jisung.." Minho managed to get out, tripping over his own two feet as he stumbled over to the boy in his own melancholic bubble. He had grown to believe the boy was feeling somewhat better with him around, yet it seemed to be the complete opposite. Jisung wasn't getting any better. He needed professional help, and the elder couldn't help but feel waves of guilt swallow him because he hadn't given that to the blonde from the beginning.

Jisung had opened a bottle of alcohol the elder's mom kept cold, and nearly half of it was downed already. Grabbing it from his hands, with struggle, Minho set it on the counter before pulling Jisung towards him.

The blonde weakly hit Minho against the chest, trying to push him away so he could drink the rest of the destruction he downed in hopes of forgetting everything. He kept hitting his boyfriend, not realizing if it had hurt emotionally nor physically, because he wasn't in his own head anymore. He just wanted to lose himself in the rhythm of what the alcohol did to him.

Jisung's hands shook against Minho's chest as he gave up on pushing him away. He was so mentally exhausted, even thinking about getting up on his own was a challenge.

Gripping onto the blonde more tightly, as if he could slip away with another single agonizing cry, Minho gave up on trying to keep his tears at bay. It was as if they had a mind of their own; and if they wanted to fall, he wouldn't stop them.

"Am I just like my parents?" the younger mumbled, his head spinning as he leaned against his boyfriend's chest; the feeling of his arms giving him a sense of comfort he had wanted.

Immediately shaking his head, Minho rested his chin on the boy's shoulder, hoping that Jisung wouldn't notice his tears. "You aren't, and you never have been."

Sadly humming in response, Jisung instantly pulled away before turning his head away from Minho; the contents of his stomach coming up from all the crying and nausea he'd previously had. He couldn't control himself, and as soon as he did it, his head felt lighter. A blush immediately found it's way to his cheeks, and although he wasn't sober, he had a sense of what he was doing and what just happened.

Pulling the boy up, Minho gently pushed him against the counter to keep him stabilized. He shuffled over to the side of the kitchen where is mom kept cleaning items, and grabbed the mop.

He felt extremely queasy himself, yet didn't show it. Quickly cleaning up the mess Jisung had made, both from his stomach and the glass on the ground, Minho washed everything, before returning to the blonde's side. "Come on," he mumbled, taking hold of Jisung's waist so he could help him walk up the stairs. He silently thanked whoever or whatever could've been listening that his mom didn't wake up.

Closing the door behind them, Minho gently tugged the blonde's shirt off, before exchanging it for a new one from his closet. Once cleaner, Jisung immediately retreated to the closure of Minho's bed; a place in which he didn't have to face the guilt and drunkenness of the world around him anymore.

VIVA LA VIDA ━ MINSUNG ✓Where stories live. Discover now