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Ending up both mentally and physically drained after releasing so much pain out into the open, Minho ended up carrying Jisung to his house, legs shaking not from his boyfriends weight; but from the fear of what could have happened had he not shown up when he did.

"Baby, we're here. Do you think you can walk inside?" Minho asked gently, running his fingers through Jisungs hair gently.

The younger boy had his face buried into the crook of Minhos neck, the elder being his own personal shield from the world around him that he so desperately had tried to leave behind. The blonde shook his head, too tired to even attempt movement in that moment.

Nodding in understanding, Minho opened the door to his house the best he could one handed, and carried his boyfriend inside and up to his bedroom. The elder was still shaken from what he had almost witnessed, Jisung still in shock from what he'd almost done.

Placing Jisung down onto the bed, Minho gently cupped his face in his hands, wiping away the tears that were left with his thumb. His boyfriend let out a soft sniffle, feeling nothing but guilt as he saw the look on Minhos face.

The dark haired boy pressed a gentle kiss to both of Jisungs cheeks, before grabbing every blanket from his closet and wrapping up the younger in them all. Jisung puffed his cheeks out slightly when he released his breath, hugging the comforters around him tightly. He still felt numb, as if a part of him was left at that bridge, wishing it could be freed.

"Have you eaten today?" Minho mumbled softly, avoiding the elephant in the room for now because he wanted to make sure he could take care of the boy in front of him first.

Jisung looked down slightly and shrugged, genuinely not up for talking in that moment. Minho, however, barely caught the soft "a little bit.." that the younger breathed out.

"Lay down and close your eyes," Minho instructed, still cupping Jisungs cheeks. "I'll be right back."

With that, the elder quickly made his way down to the kitchen, getting out everything he needed as quickly as he could; he didn't want to leave Jisung alone for too long. He didn't even want to think about what could possibly happen in his absence.

Feeling light-headed and slightly hazy, Jisung took his boyfriends words of advice and slowly laid back, eyes fixated on the ceiling fan above him. He inhaled slowly, holding it for a few moments before exhaling. Every gasp of air was a chore to him, as if breathing was just a hobby that he was losing interest in. He didn't know when he fell asleep, or how long his eyes were shut, but after what felt like only a few moments he could feel Minho gently shaking him awake.

The elder had a gentle smile plastered onto his face, although it looked slightly strained. Jisung hated that; he knew it was his fault that the boy he loved was so worried. He didn't want Minho to make a fuss over him, it made him feel like even more of a burden.

"I hope you like hot chocolate," Minho mumbled, sitting next to the boy and handing him the steaming mug.

Using his sleeves for sweater paws so that he wouldn't burn himself, Jisung thanked him quietly, burying himself into the blankets even more. A welcomed warmth filled his body as he took is first grateful sip. He hadn't had the drink in a very long time; his parents hadn't bought it for him since he was young, and he forgot just how good it was up until that moment.

Minho, still feeling a bit cautious and dazed, intertwined his hand with Jisungs free one, gently running his thumb along the boys knuckles. He promised himself, right then, that he would never leave the boys side as long as he was still breathing.

"Done, angel?" Minho asked gently, using the pet name that he knew Jisung loved. He also noticed that Jisung wasn't holding the mug up to his lips anymore, either too full to continue or done already.

The blonde nodded a bit and handed the nearly-empty mug to the elder, who placed it on the bedside table before turning his full attention to the boy in front of him.

Minho laid back and opened his arms towards the boy, silently hoping that he'd accept his offer of being embraced.

Craving the warmth and happier thoughts that Minho provided whenever he held him, Jisung buried his face into his neck gratefully, closing his eyes to inhale the comforting scent of his boyfriends cologne. The familiar sensations brought him back down to earth slightly, although a part of his chest was still aching; in too much pain that he knew wouldn't be thawed that easily.

"You aren't mad at me.. right?" Minho whispered, voicing the question that had been at the back of his mind ever since the bridge. He was worried that the younger would be angry with him for what he'd done, for spoiling his plans.

"Of course not," Jisung mumbled, moving even closer; as if that were even possible at that point. "Y-you know that I love you, right?" the younger meekly said, nervous that the elder would have taken his actions as a sign that he didn't care about the elder; to the point of leaving him.

That wasn't the case at all, in fact. All he'd wanted was the pain to end; he believed it'd be better for Minho to not have to deal with the youngers burden anymore.

"I know, baby. I love you too."

VIVA LA VIDA ━ MINSUNG ✓Where stories live. Discover now