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Staring at the way the woman subtly motioned for Minho to follow before sending him a hesitant smile, the color washed from Jisung's face. His heart sank down towards the bottom of his chest at light speed because he had certainly believed the woman didn't accept him nor his presence there.

He simply turned his head towards his feet as both Minho and his mom walked out of the room, closing the door behind them. He couldn't help but feel an ounce of guilt spread throughout him, because it was crystal clear that the topic they'd be discussing was why he was there.

"Things happened.." was all the chestnut haired boy said to his mom once they had walked down the hall; away from his room. "Just give us a few days.."

He had spoken quickly, not entirely sure what his mom was thinking. He knew for a fact she was perfectly fine with he fact that he had a boyfriend, yet he couldn't guess what was going through her head knowing the blonde was staying with them.

"Minho, calm down," was all the woman said, a strong sense of understanding filling her eyes. She was the type of woman to read and discuss both sides of a situation before making her own judgment, and that was one of the qualities Minho loved most about her.

She smiled in a crooked manner, yet it felt loving. "It's okay. I don't need to know that backstory right now. As long as you've got a decent enough reason for having him here, then it's fine." She stared at her son, watching as his face morphed from anxiousness, to total shock. She simply raised an eyebrow in amusement, before crossing her arms.

Minho couldn't form any proper words because he was expecting a completely opposite reaction than what he was given. He simply nodded, his cheeks weirdly heating up.

"Want any food?" he mom asked once again, thinking twice about the boy back in her son's room too. She could only assume they were hungry; noting the fact that Minho had never been obvious with bringing food to his room lately, nor had she seen them go to the kitchen.

The boy, again, nodded; words failing him a second time. He simply smiled, attempting to hide just how happy he felt. The world seemed to have lifted off of his shoulders right then and there. Keeping Jisung hidden - previously afraid of his mother's reaction - was difficult at times, but that was it. Now that the woman knew about him, it was as if all the anxiety he felt about their situation was put to rest.

"I'll call you downstairs soon," his mom quickly added, before turning towards the stairs. Her short brown hair bounced in rythm to her steps; happiness seeming to easily slide off of her and fill the air. By the looks of it, she wasn't mad at the fact that a complete stranger was in her house, but she trusted Minho enough to allow it.

Nearly tripping over his own feet, Minho ran back to his bedroom to share the good news with the younger, slightly terrified boy. Jisung was huddled under the blankets, hiding himself away from the world while simultaneously being eaten alive by his own worry. He had nowhere to go other than where he was right at that moment, and the thought of returning to his own home- especially after leaving without explanation- was so unbearable to the point that it made Jisungs chest ache.

"Baby," Minho greeted, practically bouncing on his heels out of pure content. A weight felt lifted off of his chest with the knowledge that his mother now knew about his boyfriend, and she was perfectly okay with him being there. Minho felt happier than he had in a few days, and hoped that the results of his conversation with his mother would result with the same feelings from Jisung.

"Hm?" Jisung let out, slightly muffled from the blankets covering him. He braced himself for the bad news, not at all expecting the soft smile he was faced with once Minho tore the blankets away.

"My mom is going to make us some food," Minho said softly, twirling a few soft blonde hairs through his fingers as he watched Jisungs face morph from uneasiness, to confusion, to surprise.

"S-she's okay with this?" Jisung stammered, eyes widening a bit out of shock. This hadn't been a scenario he'd prepared for while hiding away, and his heart skipped a beat.

Minho responded with a gentle peck against the youngers lips, telling him everything he needed to know. The elder was simply excited to be able to move around freely with Jisung throughout the house, and he was especially content when he found out that food was being prepared for them. He hadn't noticed his growing hunger up until that moment, and was certain that the blonde was also most likely famished.

Jisung then threw himself at Minho, arms wrapping around his neck as their lips captured into a gentle kiss. Not only was it a way for Jisung to show his happiness without words, it was also simultaneously both a silent promise and plea, that maybe- just maybe- things would finally end up okay.

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