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Worry flooded through Jisungs veins as he knocked on Minhos front door. He'd come uninvited, however he was desperate to get out of his house and do something. The boy could only hope that Minho wouldn't mind his sudden appearance.

The door swung open a few moments later, Jisung offering Minho a shy smile once he was met with the sight of the raven haired boy.

"Jisung, hey," the elder smiled, opening the door more. "Come in.."

Jisung quickly took his offer and stepped inside, welcoming the cool air that Minhos air conditioning had to offer, a comforting contrast from the smothering heat outside.

"I hope you don't mind that I'm here.." Jisung said quietly, taking up his timid demeanor that he only ever had around the elder boy. "I didn't want to be stuck at home all night."

"I don't mind," Minho quickly answered, shutting the door behind both himself and Jisung. "And I doubt being here is any better. It's quite boring."

Scratching the back of his neck, Jisung shrugged as he followed Minho up the stairs to what he could only assume was the boy's room. "I like your company," he mumbled, looking towards his feet as he counted the amount of steps there were.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing I like yours too," Minho teased, waiting for Jisung to reach the top of the stairs before continuing on down the hallway. He shuffled to the last door on the right, before opening it and allowing Jisung to go in first.

"Welcome to my room," Minho sighed, already sensing the judgement coming from the younger male. "I don't know if you were expecting something, or nothing at all, but here it is. Boring, just like I'd said before."

Looking around at the bare walls and simple black bedding, the blonde shrugged. "I don't think it's boring," he paused, taking in the look of the room a second time. "...It's simple, and I like that."

Minho simply hummed in response, a smile stuck to his lips, as he somehow gently fell backwards onto his bed, his gaze now towards the ceiling. "Make yourself at home."

Having no idea how to make himself at home, Jisung stood there awkwardly, eyeing the boy from a few feet away. Although Minho told him to get comfortable, he couldn't shake the fact that he truly didn't know how. He could only assume the elder wouldn't care if he sat at his desk or on the edge of his bed, but he couldn't bring his anxiety to release it's grip from his ankles.

As if he were able to read the younger's mind, or he was just great at reading people in general, Minho answered for him. "You can sit in the chair, on the floor, right next to me; honestly wherever you want to." Smiling, the dark haired boy just stared at the way Jisung moved his weight from one foot to the other.

"Does that include on you?" Jisung joked, turning his head to the side to suppress his laugh as he waited for the boy's reaction.

Frozen, the smile on Minho's face was instantly replaced with embarrassment. "W-What?" he stuttered, not realizing that he hadn't really clarified his previous sentence.

"Nothing," Jisung laughed, his smile finally reaching his eyes. He looked happy; as if he completely felt like himself behind closed doors. In the weeks that he and Minho had been talking and growing closer, there was a side to himself that he hadn't shown often. However standing there, laughing over the ridiculous half-serious half-joked question he'd inquired, he could feel the comfort of being in Minhos presence slowly beginning to take over.

Minho watched with a small smile gracing his lips as Jisung continued to spill his mirth from his parted lips, noticing that despite the swollen skin, there was a certain spark within his eyes; a glint of mischief that the boy couldn't help but admire. Jisungs laugh was quite possibly the best thing he had heard in a long time, better than any music he could ever play.
He wanted to keep Jisung smiling for hours.

Minho thought that Jisung looked beautiful.

VIVA LA VIDA ━ MINSUNG ✓Where stories live. Discover now