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Opening the passenger side door for him, Minho made sure the blonde's eyes were covered before helping him out of the car. He knew Jisung was skeptical on where he was being taken, but also wasn't keen on ruining the surprise he'd planned.

Pulling the blonde inside the building, Minho hurriedly paid for the both of them, before looking around for their seats. Jisung was moving slow, cautious of his surroundings, but as soon as the elder gently pushed him into his seat, he calmed.

"You can open your eyes now," Minho whispered, not wanting to disturb anyone else in the room. He leaned back, wanting to see the blonde's reaction better.

Finally being able to look, Jisung took his chance to take in where exactly he was taken. "A planetarium?" he mumbled curiously, a hidden light that wasn't there before now making itself present. He looked genuinely happy.

"Do you like it?" he grinned, pointing to the roof in awe.

Staring at the stars dotting the 'sky', Jisung nodded. He had never been to a planetarium before, yet always found a love in the sky above.

"Me too," Minho continued, watching the blonde as his eyes glazed from one star to the next; taking in the different constellations, too.

Finding a bit of confidence in the fact that their date was going well so far, Jisung scooted closer to Minho, as much as his seat would allow, letting his body lean against the elder's.

The chestnut haired boy simply brightened his smile; his heart felt as if it were speeding up with each second gone by. There was something about Jisung that made him feel waves of comfort, but he felt as if saying that aloud would be total gibberish to everyone listening. Leaning his cheek against the top of the blonde's head, he could smell the vanilla-honey shampoo Jisung had used; and he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it.

He gently intertwined their fingers together when the younger was paying more attention to the stars than the boy next to him. "That's my favorite star," he quietly mumbled, pointing to one of the brightest up there.

Jisung tried to make sense of the exact spot in which he was pointing. "Why?" he quietly mumbled, not really paying attention to the boy in the first place anymore. Since sitting down and looking at the roof, he just couldn't seem to find his focus and keep it with him. He was constantly getting distracted by the beauty each star had in itself.

"Because it's the brightest star up there." Turning his head so he could see the boy's face more easily, Minho smiled. "It reminds me of you."

Jisung immediately felt the blood rush to his cheeks; heating up his face in a split second. "W-Why?"

"Because you're the brightest star in my sky. You have been since the day I figured out you were my pen pal. Call it cheesy, Han Jisung, but I've looked forward to each and everyday more because of you," Minho smiled, almost wanting Jisung to feel more flustered than he already was. He wanted the boy to understand his words on a level deeper than point blank.

Allowing his lips to curl up into a small smile, the blonde turned his gaze towards the boy he was leaning against. "I feel the same," he muttered, before quickly scooting closer so he would have to look Minho in the eye anymore.

The two grew more comfortable as the next few minutes passed, both leaning on the other for support. Their hearts felt as if they were running their own sort of marathon; each beating at the same time, yet weirdly different.

Minho loved being in the presence of the younger male, so he only hoped that was a mutual agreement between the two. He wanted to believe Jisung enjoyed his presence right then and there too; and with the way he was acting, it wasn't hard to drop his wish into the well.

Although the two had only known each other for what felt like a small amount of time to others, they thought it felt like forever. Days with each other side by side seemed to go by easier and more smoother than days without; and the emotional support they both received from the other, sometimes without even knowing it, was beyond anything they could've seen themselves recieving.

Jisung looked down at the way their hands were intertwined, smiling once again, because in that moment, he felt okay. He felt as if the world and all of its inhabitants were on his side for once. He had no doubting thoughts since meeting up with the elder boy next to him. He was simply happy. Slowly moving his gaze up towards Minho's eyes, which were focused on the roof above, he could feel himself falling in a metaphorical sense. Not only was he intoxicated on the fact that Minho had asked him out; him, out of everyone else on Earth, but also because the dark haired boy had genuinely been one of the only people to show that they cared.

Dragging his gaze down, Jisung quickly made a daring move; gently pushing his lips against the skin on Minho's cheek. It had only lasted a mere second, yet it managed to set the butterflies in his stomach on fire.

He quickly moved back to the previous position he was in, trying to ignore just how in shock Minho was with as much of a static face as he could muster.

VIVA LA VIDA ━ MINSUNG ✓Where stories live. Discover now