Dear L.B,

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Today is May 19th, 2019, and it officially marks us writing our final chapter of VLV. These past few months working with you have been insane, and who would've thought that me deciding to read a book of yours would lead to a beautiful friendship and an equally as beautiful book? I am so incredibly proud to be working with you, and I'm even prouder to call myself your friend. Sometimes I still get starstruck when I remember that I'm working with you.

I am so thankful that you trust me, especially enough to allow me to have access to this account and enough to write this story with you. Seriously, when we first began I was absolutely terrified of messing things up. I was scared I'd accidentally delete something, or that I'd accidentally write a chapter weirdly and mess the whole book up.

I can't describe how thankful I am that you have been patient these past few months, especially through a period of time where I couldn't even bring myself to write a sentence. You truly were/are the backbone of this entire story, and VLV wouldn't be as incredible as I think it is without you.

Reads don't matter to me, really. To those who do read Viva La Vida, however, I hope that we could make them feel something. This book truly does hold a section of my heart in it, and it holds a part of our friendship within it as well. I look forward to continuing to work with you, Em, and I hope we can continue to evolve as authors together. I know for a fact that you've taught me very valuable lessons, both when it comes to writing and when it comes to just being a good person in general.

With all the love in the world,


(Felix Skye)

aka: Dearmashikyu

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