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Jisung stared at the letters on his desk, neither one opened, almost mocking him, he felt.

It wasn't that he didn't want to answer L.M, it wasn't that at all, it was the fact that he didn't think his body could handle getting up to retrieve them.

His left eye was badly bruised, his dominant hand that he used for writing felt sore when he tried to use it for larger movements. He couldn't get up to grab them either way, because it hurt to put even the slightest bit of pressure onto his leg. The boy considered just calling L.M, but after he'd run away like that he was certain that the elder wouldn't want anything to do with him.

His heart hurt at the thought of never talking to him again. He'd poured his thoughts into those letters, felt something deeper within the words that had been neatly printed onto the paper by his pen pal.

Jisung didn't like to think that he felt this way because there was a ticking time bomb going off, waiting to destroy everything that the boy cared about. He liked to think that he felt this way because they felt something more.. even if he wasn't so sure as to what that was just yet.

The boy felt miserable laying there, flinching every time someone passed by his locked door. His hand found its way inside his hoodie pocket, fidgeting with the pen that he'd conveniently forgotten to return the day he'd borrowed it from L.M.

He knew that he looked rough, and he felt that way too. What he also knew was that he wouldn't be able to go to school for a few days, which would ultimately result in the elder boy assuming that he was being ignored by the oblivious younger.

Jisung assumed that L.M would be able to handle his absence. It wasn't like they'd talked in person, anyway, and he hoped that maybe the other wasn't as attached as he knew that he himself was.

His phone going off snapped him out of his thoughts, pulse quickening as he saw the contact name.


The phone rang for a few moments, and Jisung almost considered letting it continue and pretending that it never happened, before his body responded on its own by accepting the call.

"Jesus christ," came L.Ms voice from the other line.

Guilt flooded Jisungs veins as he heard the concern in the other boys voice. Had he made him that worried from his absence? The boy sat in silence with the phone up to his ear, too ashamed of both his current physical and mental states to gain enough dignity to reply.

"Hey," Minho added, his heart calming in the slightest. His nerves were acting quickly as his hand shook a small bit. It wasn't because he was scared, but more so because he was nervous of what H.J was thinking.

"I thought that maybe you were mad at me." Pausing, Minho took the time to listen for anything coming from the other line; but the only thing he was given were the small inhales and exhales of the younger boy. "...Are you?" he quickly finished, hoping the boy would just answer.

H.J only inhaled again, this time a bit more deeply than the last breath in, before opening his mouth to speak. "No, I'm not mad."

"Are you sure?" Minho questioned with hesitation, genuinely curious as to if the boy was being truthful with how he felt.

"I am..." the younger boy trailed off, before opening his mouth to speak again. It sounded like he was going to say something, but it was obvious he changed it last second as a different set of words fell from his mouth. "Can I come over?"

Completely taken aback after hearing what the boy had just asked, Minho stuttered out an answer. He was almost about to say no out of habit, but embarrassed himself just a little more to get out a small 'yes'. He had no idea why H.J wanted to come over, nor why he hadn't written him back if he wasn't mad, but he forced himself to snap back to reality as the boy spoke a last time.

"Just text me your address," H.J muttered; sending him a quick goodbye before hanging up. He hadn't even given Minho time to say his own farewells.

Looking down at his phone with a dumbfounded expression, Minho immediately opened his messaging app, before texting the boy his address.

in case you're wondering, this is our writing process.
grey- dearmashikyu
white- @lovebins

 grey- dearmashikyu white- @lovebins

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(I promise I'm not mean - lovebins)

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(I promise I'm not mean - lovebins)

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