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Their day was mostly spent at home, binge watching whatever the could find on both Netflix and YouTube. Jisung had slowly become restless, knowing that their date was tonight and having no absolute idea where it would be. The older boy wouldn't even give him so much as a hint as to what he was planning, yet he shrugged it off, because surprises were interesting anyway.

"Dress casually," Minho teasingly smiled as seven o'clock rolled around. He had already picked his outfit out, which consisted of a dark navy long sleeve decorated in thin, horizontal white lines. His jeans were black and cuffed just above his ankles, so he paired them with black socks to cover the exposed skin. Lastly, he styled it all with a belt that he let hang by his side, rather than having it tucked into his pant loop, along with sporting classic Vans. All in all, the outfit came together and Jisung was slightly taken aback by the decency in fashion his boyfriend had.

Walking out of the room to allow the blonde free choices over what he wanted to wear, Minho left his closet doors open on purpose.

Waiting for the door to fully close, Jisung stepped towards the closest, slightly overwhelmed by, not only the variety of colors, but the variety of clothes itself. There were shirts ranging from plain, to overly spoken, along with pants simply designed, and some fashionably ruined. His closest wasn't overflowing with clothes, yet there were enough to get him by, and the blonde loved the simplicity hidden in the older boy's heart.

Pulling an ordinary white long sleeve from off its hanger, Jisung unintentionally nodded at it, before removing the shirt he had on and replacing it with the found clothing article. It fit loosely on him, which he assumed it was the same for Minho, so he plastered a smile to his lips before moving to the pants. He loved the feeling of wearing his boyfriend's clothes, because not only had they faintly smelled of the older, but also because it felt as if Minho was always there, even if not physically. It was weird, yet interesting, in a way, because the dark haired boy had such an impact on the blonde, he couldn't imagine a day without being with him. It was cheesy to most, yet loved by both.

He spotted a simple pair of black jeans, and having a soft spot for the more quieter clothing items, he pulled those down as well. They fit fairly well, so once satisfied with what he chose, he closed the closet doors.

The only pair of shoes he spotted were his Converse, so as he tied them, a wave of remembrance and memory quickly flooded his mind. The laces hung low, nearly touching the ground simply from how small around his ankles were. Those same laces were things he had focused most on while they dangled above the river water.

Rubbing his eyes as if that would rid the vivid memory, he quickly stood up, trying his best to stabilize his balance as he left the unaccompanied room.

"Minho?" he shakily mumbled, wincing at the fact that a memory from the past had such an affect on him on a night in which he was supposed to feel nothing but happiness. The simple thought of that night scared him, yet he tried hiding it as if not wanting to worry the boy now making an appearance from the bathroom.

Stopping in his tracks shortly after glancing at the blonde, Minho smiled. Jisung looked too good in his clothes, even if they were on the more simpler side of his closet's spectrum. "You look good," he managed to say, his eyes inspecting the boy's look from top to bottom.

Replacing the slight frown with a genuine smile, Jisung only shrugged as he walked closer, wrapping his arms around the older's neck. "I could say the same about you," he breathed, their noses nearly touching from the lack of space between their bodies.

Loving to tease the blonde in any way he could, Minho gripped the boy's necklace with a grin; looping it around his fingers a few times as his gaze moved down towards the boys lips. After allowing the butterflies to rise, he pulled away entirely with a satisfactory view in his eyes. Jisung immediately retaliated with a pout from the lack of contact and affection, crossing his arms in addition to his dramatic intentions.

VIVA LA VIDA ━ MINSUNG ✓Where stories live. Discover now