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Pulling his right knee closer to his chest, Minho peeked through the rip in his jeans, only to be met with a gnarly floor burn. He was currently in dance class, learning a new routine that had involved a lot of footwork, and being not used to what was going on, he'd managed to fall quite a bit more than usual.

Soon after checking his newly formed battle scar over, he got up and shook the pain away as best he could. He had always seemed to find a way of getting hurt in dance; whether it was the smallest of floor burn, to the depths of a questionable sprained ankle. He found so much passion and life in his dancing, though, he believed it to be entirely worth it in the end.

"We're going to go through the dance a second time," their instructor slightly bellowed, trying to allow everyone to hear what was said properly over the music. "Then you can have a water break."

Standing in position, Minho counted the beats until it was his turn to start moving. He felt as if he had the world in his hands, but as soon as the singular part that repeated in his head came up, he lost grip of everything.

Falling to the ground for the umpteenth time that day, the dark haired boy groaned in frustration, clenching both his fists together before trying to calm himself down entirely. He just couldn't get the dance right, and he hated knowing he was pulling the class behind.

Quickly standing up, Minho finished the parts of the dance he had learned with the rest of his class, before walking back to an empty chair on the side of the auditorium. He didn't even wait for the choreographer to say they could take a break. He couldn't wait.

Wiping both his forehead and the side of his head first, he gently ran a hand through his hair to cool himself off better. For one, he had forgotten his proper dance clothes at home that morning; resulting in him dancing in the only pair of sweats from the lost and found. And second, he had a pop quiz in each one of his classes, which he knew he flunked.

Allowing a sigh to escape his lips, Minho let his neck fall back carefully so he was staring at a spot on the higher part of the auditorium wall. In complete honesty towards himself and everyone else there, he was disappointed.

His short thoughts had been quickly interrupted when he saw a familiar figure walk to the back of the stage. Because he was seated at the side, Jisung had walked right past him on his journey. Minho quickly took notice of the boy's jaw, and got off the chair he was sat in a bit too fast, before following the boy to wherever he planned on stopping.

"Jisung," he mumbled, trying to gain the blonde's attention, but he was much too set on moving towards the back of the stage. Minho simply followed without another word because he knew he wouldn't get anything out of the boy there.

Once they had arrived, out of sight and out of mind from everyone else, Jisung turned around. Minho's eyes darted to the boy's jaw again, before he opened his mouth to speak again. "What happened?" he questioned, concern lacing his words.

Jisung shook his head, wrapping his arms around the elder boys neck. "I-I just missed you.." he mumbled, and Minhos heart melted at the boys soft words.

The elder cupped Jisungs jaw in his hand, rubbing his thumb gently against the blue and purple beginning to blossom on the soft skin. The blonde flinched slightly from the contact, but didn't move away, instead embracing the taller tightly, face burrowing into his chest for comfort.

Minho reacted immediately, twirling small strands of the youngers hair; he knew that Jisung liked that.

Once Jisung pulled out of their embrace, they were both hyper aware of the proximity between their faces. Minhos gaze flickered down, up, and then back down to the other boys lips again.

Jisungs heart ached slightly, longing for the gap to finally be closed between them. Like magnets, the space between them slowly began to grow smaller.

Cupping the blondes face once again, the elder wordlessly brushed his lips against the youngers, a mutual and silent beg for contact.

"Are you sure?" Minho murmured gently against Jisungs lips, causing the blondes heart to beat faster against his rib case. He was sure that the other could hear it.

Jisung, having never been so certain of anything in his entire life, pulled their chests together; lip on lip contact finally being initiated.

It was gentle, and inexperienced on Jisungs end, however the minimal contact between the two sent euphoria flooding through their veins, hands gripping shirts in a desperate move to be closer.

Minho was the first to pull away, leaning their foreheads together because he felt that if they weren't touching then the beautiful boy before him might just disappear altogether, his lips on his just a memory.

Then they were kissing again, this time more desperate than the last, a mutual understanding that this us between them was so good it ached. Minho quickly took control, moving one hand from Jisungs jaw to his waist. It didn't matter to him that they were still in school, feverishly making out backstage of the auditorium. Dance practice didn't seem so important, the only thing left in the entire universe was them, lost in an even more desperate moment of euphoria and hormones, longing for more contact with one another.

A soft sound escaping from Jisungs mouth snapped Minho back to reality, the younger boys cheeks heating up almost immediately because he was kissing Lee Minho, and he really liked it.

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