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Jisung woke the next morning to a pounding headache, face nuzzled into the crook of Minhos neck with the elder boys arms wrapped around him protectively. How he got there was beyond him, and the blonde strained his memory to recall the previous nights events that were coming to him a bit hazy.

A light blush adorned his cheeks, both from embarrassment and shame from what he'd done. Jisungs chest began to ache slightly as he moved carefully out of his boyfriends grip to get some more air. He felt like a monster, uncontrollable and destructive of everything in his path. He feared that by letting Minho see the part of himself that he had shown the night before would result in pushing the elder further away. Although he couldn't see any damage to what they had, part of him could feel what he believed to be Minhos growing frustration with him.

Jisung wanted nothing more than to disappear in that very moment, however Minhos sleepy voice drew him out from his thoughts; just in time, also, before they could get too deep and too dark for his liking.

"Are you awake, angel?" came the elders soft murmur from beside him, the familiar feeling of Minho twirling strands of hair through his fingers and the scent of his cologne seeming to seep into Jisungs every being; intoxicating him and calming him down all at once.

Jisung managed a weak nod, Minho pulling the boy so that their chests were pressed together. Smiling gently, the elder pressed a gentle kiss to the youngers lips, waking both of them up a bit more.

"I'm sorry for making a mess last night.." the blonde mumbled quietly, looking anywhere but into Minhos eyes. He was embarrassed, without a doubt, and hated the fact that his boyfriend was forced to clean up after his stupid, reckless mistakes.

Minho didn't want to say that he had nothing to be sorry for. He didn't want Jisung to believe that his actions were alright, to believe that he was okay, because he wasn't; and both of them were slowly becoming more aware of that fact.

"It wasn't a problem, baby," he decided on, running his fingers up and down Jisungs forearm in a soothing manner. "How are you feeling?" he added, concern taking over his tone.

How was Jisung feeling? Said boy wished that someone could tell him the answer to that question, because even he wasn't sure. Physically, his head was throbbing as a result from both a hangover and from being deprived from sleep. Mentally, he felt drained and distant, only half aware of what was going on around him. He knew that he'd be completely lost in the clouds if it weren't for Minho being there, grounding him slightly. Jisung didn't want to think what would happen if his boyfriend let go, because all balloons that traveled into the sky eventually hit the atmosphere, deflating into nothingness.

"My head hurts," Jisung replied truthfully, warmth erupting somewhere within his chest as Minho tangled their legs together in an attempt to get them even closer to one another than they already were.

"Do you want some water?" Minho inquired, peppering a few gentle kisses all over the face of the boy in his arms. "Or maybe some soup?" he suggested.

Jisung let out a soft hum, only half focused on the elder boys words while his other half paid attention to the beating of Minhos heart against his ear as he rested against his chest. It was only for a few moments, but laying there, safe and protected within his boyfriends arms, the boy almost felt content.

"Why don't you get some more rest?" Minho then suggested, pressing a soft kiss against Jisungs temple. "I think I might shower.. is that alright with you?"

Although Jisung would have preferred to stay there, wrapped up in Minhos embrace, he didn't want to become even more of a burden than he knew he already was. With a reluctant nod, the boy slowly removed himself from the elders grip, holding in a whine of resistance as he did so.

Minho ruffled Jisungs hair a bit, before tucking the blankets in around the younger boy so that he'd stay warm.

"There's more blankets in my closet if you need them," Minho told gently, cupping Jisungs jaw in his hand. "If you need anything else, I'm right across the hall."

Nodding a bit tiredly, Jisung watched with a slight pout on his face as Minho grabbed clean clothes and made his way from the room. He already felt slightly empty out of his presence, and silently wished that he had enough strength— both mental and physical— to sit up and play some music from his phone. Originally, Jisung had intended to stay awake and wait for his boyfriend to come back, however sleep was far too demanding and he felt his eyelids slowly becoming heavier and heavier before they fell shut.

The blonde had easily been able to settle down and find his own space in which his head wasn't screaming at him. It was silent, and truly needed. His eyelids were too weighted to keep up, so as he allowed them to fall a few seconds ago, he could feel himself sink further into the mattress as sleep clawed at him. Although it wasn't easy to pass out in a few simple minutes for him, being as tired as he felt could have easily done the job.

He'd quickly lost track of time; the thought slipping past him as smoothly as he'd remember. His eyes still felt as if they were about to crumble under the weight of his exhaustion, yet sleep wasn't grasping him tight enough anymore.

The bedroom door had opened, and Jisung immediately opened his eyes to peek. The person he hadn't been expecting to see, though, was Minho's mother, who walked through the door without so much as a knock. She froze, her eyes squinting at the unfamiliar head of blonde hair in her son's bed. All she could do was stare, silently in shock that she hadn't known of the boy previously.

Jisung returned the woman's stare, his eyes slowly widening at the fact that this was her first impression of himself. He cowered under her gaze, pulling the blankets closer to his face, wishing they could drown him so he wouldn't have to face the embarrassment and awkward tension floating through the air anymore.

She slowly started taking tiny steps backwards, wanting to leave the room in search of her son, yet she was stopped when Minho's five minute shower came to an end and he had walked back into his room.

Also freezing, subtly following in his mom's footsteps, Minho opened his mouth to speak. "Mom.." he mumbled, noting that the woman was still staring at Jisung in shock. "This is Jisung... my boyfriend."

His mom looked between the two, and although she was still weary due to having never seen Jisung before, she smiled nonetheless. "It's nice to meet you," she finally spoke, her voice smooth; identical in sound to Minho's. She gave Jisung a warm smile, yet her doubts and curiosities were still there. She had no idea why the blonde was there, nor how long, but by the looks of it - his backpack on the other side of the room - it was a few days. She immediately felt oblivious to everything going on in her son's life, yet chose not to show it; instead spreading welcoming vibes throughout the room.

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