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March 31, 2019

Han Jisung,

For one, I actually wasn't getting frustrated with you. Certain things take different amounts of time, so I really have no reason to fill the empty spaces with anger or annoyance. I get it.

And second, you aren't an ugly crier. Just saying. You also aren't that good at scribbling out your sentences, but thanks? Have some more confidence in yourself because I can openly say the same to you.

Anyway, I hope that if your mom doesn't send you to the doctor, she at least allows you to rest. It'll be boring not being able to search for you in lunch detention for the next few days, but I think I can wait until Saturday if you can too. What's something you've wanted to do but haven't had the chance to do it? There's always room for adventure! :)

Love, Minho.

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