X & Y

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Wanting more of the warmth and euphoria he felt from hugging Jisung, Minho pulled the boy closer to his chest; as if that were even possible. The both of them had walked to the chestnut haired boy's house after school, a light blush adorning their cheeks. Although now, they were lying on the elder boy's bed, bodies pressed against one another in a gentle manner.

"You're warm," Jisung muttered under his breath, closing his eyes as he hid his face in the crook of Minho's neck. He puckered out his lips slightly, before peppering a gentle kiss to the skin on the boy's neck.

"You are too," Minho mumbled quietly, playing with a loose string on the back of Jisung's hoodie. He quickly tugged it off, before putting his hands at rest.

"...I like your lips," Jisung continued, his voice slightly muffled. He took a deep breath in, before letting it go; his cheeks puffing out in the process.

Placing a hand on the small of Jisung's back, Minho smiled knowingly. "Judging by the sounds you made, I can tell," he teased, drawing soft shapes onto the fabric of the boy's hoodie.

The blonde immediately felt his skin heat up; that type of effect always coming about in some way when Minho was around. "Don't act like you didn't groan when you were shoving your tongue down my throat," he replied, shocked at his own burst of confidence his body was suddenly given.

"W-What?" Minho stuttered, taken aback by what Jisung had said. He was cut off by the sound of the blonde chuckling lightly, which only caused him to blush harder. "Shut up," he quickly added in a more playful manner than embarrassed one.

"Make me," the blonde stated in a matter-of-factly tone, looking up at the boy.

Slightly surprised by the boys now confident attitude, Minho promptly pressed his lips against Jisungs, resulting in a high pitched squeak from the other that made the elder chuckle against his lips. He enjoyed a flustered Jisung, sucking gently on the bottom of the boys lip just to get another reaction from him.

The elder knew that he wouldn't ever get enough of Jisungs kisses, the soft sounds emitted from the younger when he was really into it were for his ears only, and he relished in that fact. The blondes lips were soft, addicting to the point that Minho could kiss him for hours and never get tired of it— which was exactly what they had done at school.

He pulled away slowly, receiving a soft whine from the younger who just wasn't satisfied yet.
"Be my boyfriend," Minho blurted, a light blush making its way into his cheeks.

Jisung, slightly taken aback by the suddenness, found his own face heating up in response. "B-boyfriend?" he stuttered, the word feeling so foreign yet so right to describe the boy before him.
He wordlessly nodded, pressing their lips together once again, this time with a new purpose and goal.

It was a silent promise between the two, desperation and even more passion than before exchanging between them as soon as their lips met.

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